The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

10 cool things our Networks have done this year

Friday 19-01-2018 - 09:00

Bristol students do some incredible things. Our Reps are forever amazing us with their fresh ideas and achievements, from running city-wide campaigns to launching their own programmes of events. Did you know, for example, that the popular Richmond Lecture series was developed by Student Reps?

You are capable of achieving far more than you may realise, and with our student elections coming up we thought we'd remind you what you can get done if you put your mind to it!

If this list leaves you feeling inspired, you can nominate yourself as a Student Rep until March 1st for your chance to do awesome stuff like this. There are full-time paid and part-time volunteer roles available.


  1. Over 650 students attended Network mingles during Welcome Week in 2017
  2. 2500 free sanitary products were handed out in the SU and libraries around campus as part of the Free Period Campaign


  1. Over 300 course reps have been trained to make sure you’re getting the most out of your learning experience.
  2. The BME Network worked with UWE to produce an Anti Islamophobia campaign video that was watched by 17,000 people





  1. Women’s Network ran the loudest Reclaim the Night march Bristol has ever seen
  2. The Trans Network have organised private swim sessions for Trans students
  3. 221 reps voted at the first Student Council of the year
  4. The Wellbeing Network hosted a sold out Pumpkin carving event in the SU with over 70 people attending


  1. Sport & Student Development Officer, John House, unveiled a new sports pricing plan. Responding to your feedback about the cost of sport at Bristol, we’ve worked with the university to launch the cheapest, most flexible price plan yet.
  2. Lots and lots of campaigning… The Ready to Rent campaign and tea tent, with the Wellbeing Network, gave students advice on finding their first home. Our Women’s Network ran a month-long Reclaim campaign against sexual violence, including life-drawing, self-defence and of course the Reclaim the Night march. Plus, we supported Islamophobia Awareness Month, Black History Month and This Girl Can across the Bristol campus, with more great things still to come in LGBT+ History Month.


In 2018… well, what will you do?

To nominate yourself or to see the whole range of roles available, check out our Elections Hub.

Did this list remind you of someone else? You can also recommend a friend, and we'll get in touch with them to let them know someone thinks they're awesome!





Union democracy

Related Tags :

elections, 10 cool things, representation, reps, Success, achievement, impact, Networks, Officers, SUYESYOU,

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