The Accommodation Office provides short-term emergency accommodation to current students. Examples of situations where you might need to stay in emergency accommodation include:
Visit the University website for more information.
Download the template letter to send to your landlord – asking them to halt in-person viewings and offer rent reductions.
Know your rights as a student tenant. Everything you need to know about renting property as a student, plus check out our Viewing Checklist to help you ace your viewing!
The SU have also worked with The Law Clinic to develop resources for students on Housing Rights.
If you have nowhere to sleep or might be homeless soon, you have somewhere to sleep, but nowhere to call home or you are/could be at risk of harm you can call Shelterline.
Telephone: 0808 800 4444 (8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm at weekends)
University Private Housing Advisors
The University has a team of Private Housing Advisors, they will provide you with free housing advice within a few working days and can help you with whatever problems in your accommodation you are facing.
CHAS are a community-based housing advice service. They offer free, independent, and confidential advice on housing-related matters to anyone in need in Bristol and the surrounding area.
Bristol City Council
Bristol City Council has a team who can investigate rogue landlords, this could be a landlord is harassing you as a tenant, is renting you a property that doesn’t meet legal standards, is renting a property without a licence, is charging unlawful fees and other things. You can also report problems with the quality of the property you are living in and the Environmental Health department in the local Council can look into any serious repair problems that could put your health at risk.
One way to take power back as a tenant is to join a tenants’ union. This is where renters come together and as a collective can stand up to dodgy landlords and letting agencies via direct action and negotiating meetings.
The local tenants’ union to Bristol is called ACORN; they are a network of community organisers who have won millions of pounds back for their members. They stand up for their members who are being exploited, running days of action, training up members in campaigning and member defence, and even stand up against illegal evictions which happen in the community.
How can you get involved and ensure that you have union representation as a renter? You can join ACORN as a member for £3 a month as an unwaged student.
Check out their Facebook page for any events, callouts or trainings. If you need support as a tenant, please join the ACORN tenant support group.
As an SU we have policy to support rent strikes in University accommodation. We have created this resource hub for anyone who is looking to organise a strike campaign. We have an FAQs document, a guide on rent striking and a handy how-to-organise checklist. Check out for more information and legal guidance on rent striking