The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Students with hands up

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Bristol Students’ Union?

We exist so that all students can have the best possible time while they are at Bristol. Our organisation is run by students, for students. If you're a student at the University of Bristol, congratulations! You're automatically a member. We run events, support campaigns, amplify your voice to the university, represent you on issues from housing to liberation, sport, wellbeing, and education. Our home is in The Richmond Building, but we also have spaces in Senate House and in halls.

Who runs the Union?

Bristol SU is run by a team of 7 elected SU Officers who work full-time to represent you and make sure your opinions and ideas are heard by the university. They are elected annually and supported by a team of staff.

Who are the full-time officers and what do they do?

The officers are elected every year and work at Bristol SU full-time. They work to improve all areas of your life as a student, from the quality of your education to the cost of rent, to running events like Varsity. The officers are also responsible for working on any policy that is passed at Student Council or AMM.

Who’s my course/faculty rep?

You can find your course and faculty reps’ contact details at Alternatively, contact the Academic Representation team at

Who can I contact at the SU?

Contact one of our teams if you have a question or issue to raise. Alternatively, drop into our offices on the 3rd floor of the Richmond Building between 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday.

What is Student Council and who can go?

Student Council is a representative forum which creates and votes on policy relating to issues and campaigns that affect students’ experiences at university. The student officers’ work is directed by the policies passed at Student Council. The meetings take place twice a year and can be attended by any student, but only eligible members can vote.

What is the AMM?

AMM is your Annual Members’ Meeting, which takes place once a year. It is Bristol SU’s biggest democratic event as any student can attend and vote on policy, as well as giving you an opportunity to hold the officers to account!

What’s a Network?

At Bristol SU, a Network refers to a group of students who are interested in specific issues and want to campaign, run events, or socialise together. There are currently 18 Networks and each one has its own committee which is led by the Chair of Network

How do I become a course or faculty rep?

Nominate yourself to be a rep! We run elections every year for course and faculty rep positions: Faculty reps and course reps for returning year-groups are elected in spring. Course reps for first-year undergraduate courses and taught postgraduates are elected in the autumn.

How do I become a full-time officer or Chair of Network?

Nominate yourself to be an officer or Chair of Network! We run elections in the spring every year for these positions.