The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Welcome to the club.

If you're a student at the University of Bristol, congratulations! You're officially a member of Bristol Students' Union!

Your membership includes:

  • access to our bar, gig venue, and SU Living Room
  • the ability to join 400 clubs, societies and networks
  • our free support services for lettings and academic advice
  • representation on the issues that matter - like wellbeing, your course and housing


We're working for:

  • Decent, affordable student accommodation
  • Improving the quality of your academic courses
  • Fair access to health, mental health and wellbeing services
  • Equality and accessibility across the University experience

Our Vision | A union for all students

Your students' union is for all Bristol students, led by elected student representatives, they campaign, advocate and ensure students remain at the heart of everything the University does. 

Want to see what we mean by that? Click here to see what we've done for students recently.

Whether you're looking to pursue your hobbies, improve your employability, make a difference or just blaze your own trail. If there’s anything you want or think needs to change, we’re here to listen to and support you, so get in touch.

Our Mission | The community and voice of Bristol students

Our elected student representatives are the voice of the whole student body,  using insight and research, they campaign and advocate for students’ rights and ensure students remain at the heart of everything the University does.

Our highly experienced staff and student representatives offer expert advice, support and informationto all students who need it, when they need it, in ways they need it; supporting all aspects of university life.

We are the hub of student groups, activities, and events; a fun place to make new friends, develop new skills and discover new interests. 

Our values | Influencing every decision 

  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion 
  • Wellbeing
  • Community
  • Sustainability
  • Fun

Achieving our Vision

From record levels of student participation, UK leading rates of election turn out, an amazing staff team of over 70, strong financials, good governance, and high quality services, we are a healthy and robust organisation; rooted in our values, focused on the future, and always putting our members first.

The University of Bristol Students' Union is a membership organisation democratically led by students, supported by a staff team who run the day to day activities and services provided by the organisation. The Students' Union provides the infrastructure for enabling the Bristol SU strategy, vision, mission and values. Improving the student experience and ensuring that the organisation meets the needs of its members is at the core of our purpose.

One of our core values is Sustainability. As such we've put together this document to summarise the key aspects of activity within Bristol SU, their relative environmental impact and steps being taken to mitigate their negative impact. 

Want to Get Involved?


Twice a year we elect over 600 students like you who represent students on issues around course quality, cost of accommodation and improving the experience at the University of Bristol.

Our elections take place in October and March.

Find out more here.


The Annual Members Meeting (AMM) is the SU’s biggest democratic event and any student can attend and vote on new policy.

You can also submit a motion in advance of the meeting that if passed, will become SU policy for the next three years.

Find out more here

Student Council

Student Council is the primary representative forum of the Students’ Union. It creates policy which directs the focus of the elected officers. 

Members discuss and vote on motions submitted by students and any that pass become active SU policy.

Find out more here