The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Student club night with blue lights

Drugs & Alcohol

the drop logoHarm Reduction at the University

The University of Bristol takes a harm reduction approach to drugs and alcohol. If you are struggling with the use of drugs including alcohol, then you should be able to reach out to staff without fear of sanctions.

You can view the university's harm reduction statement here:

The Drop at Bristol Drugs Project

They provide harm reduction tips and tools, with specific advice for harm reduction when taking party drugs, and on student wellbeing.


All About Drugs - Drop-in Sessions

Bristol SU, University of Bristol and The Drop, part of Bristol Drugs Project, have come together to promote harm reduction activities around drug use, including alcohol.

A core aim of the project is to ensure there are no barriers to students accessing support and to reduce the risk of harm associated with using drugs, including alcohol.

The SU launched a regular drop-in with The Drop in the Richmond Building where students will be able to receive harm reduction advice, support and information alongside the opportunity to pick up a free drug reagent testing kit funded by the University of Bristol.

Please sign up to the Drop (part of BDP) drop-in if you'd like a free drug reagent testing kit by either emailing them at or texting / WhatsApp 07814617687.

All About Drugs - Education And Awareness Sessions 

This session is intended for anyone who is currently using or thinking about using drugs, including alcohol; anyone who is concerned about a friend’s use of drugs or anyone who just wants to know more.

The session covers: the identification and categorisation of many common drugs; potential risks associated with drugs, including alcohol; the effects of mixing drugs; explores why people use drugs and the different types of use, from recreational to addiction.

For more information or to sign up:

prism logo with text 'LGBT+ Alcohol & Drug Support'LGBT+ Drug and Alcohol Support

Prism is a dedicated support service for Bristol’s wide and varied LGBT+ communities and individuals. Prism provides free and confidential support to people around their alcohol and drug use. Prism provides outreach support in clubs and bars across Bristol, as well as providing direct access support in the Prism drop-in.

Text, WhatsApp or call: 07971 354 498
