The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

5 of the most unusual societies at Bristol

Monday 27-08-2018 - 09:00


Joining a society whilst at university is a great opportunity to make friends and experience something new! Here at Bristol SU we have over 360 different clubs, sports and societies. Whatever your interests, our societies can cater to you. And if not, you can even start one up yourself! To give you an idea of the range of opportunities on offer, we’ve chosen a few of our most unusual societies.


Pokémon Trainer Society

Whether you want to “Catch ‘em all” or just have some fun this Pokémon training society offers it all. Battling and training, catching and collecting or trying to complete the vast Pokédex you can do it here. They are a club welcoming beginners and professional trainers for some fun. They often meet at wetherSpoons or watch the Pokémon films. Becoming a member also gets you 10% off at Forbidden Planet.

You can find out more here


Brizzlepuffs Quidditch Club

Muggles do not fear, you don’t need to be a wizard to join this society. Quidditch is the fastest-growing mixed gender, full contact sport in the world. Bristol has its own team that trains twice a week and plays other teams from the UK and Europe. It is open to everyone and you don’t need to compete to join, you can just come along, play and have a laugh. Grab your broomstick and try to catch that golden snitch.

Click here for more details


Ginger Appreciation Society

The Ginger Appreciation Society is the place where gingers can feel accepted and appreciated. This is where the gingers unite together and go against the rest unless you simply appreciate them. This society is open to everyone as long as you are ginger in some way or just simply accepting of them

Click here for more details


Dog Society

A society committed to their love of dogs and building the canine-human relationship. The run fostering opportunities for students who want a dog as well as just having dogs around in order to just relieve stress and love the doggos. Joinable by anyone who loves dogs!

Click here for more details


Bristol University Zombie Apocalypse Network

Don’t let yourself become zombie fodder when the day of the dead arrives. Refine your survival skills at one of our most unusual societies. The society prepares members for the impending apocalypse through simulations (Human vs. Zombie games) and also against each other (Human vs. Human games) to improve your teamwork, accuracy and planning skills. In other words they like messing about with nerf stuff and want you to join in!

Click here for more details


More Information:

If you’re curious about what other societies we have on offer you can find a full list here

If you’re interested in a society but unsure of whether it is for you, then why not attend some of the society taster events running in Welcome Week! For further details on Welcome Week Events click here.



Sports and societies

Related Tags :

Make, Friends, keep, fit, try, new, things, Quidditch, extreme, weird, clubs, Societies, Bristol, university, brizzlepuffs, zombie, Ultimate Frisbee,

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