The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

9 Things to do This Summer

Friday 26-05-2017 - 15:56

The academic year is coming to an end, but Bristol SU still has activities throughout the Summer to suit your different interests.

So, in classic Bucket list style, we’ve made a list of things to do to celebrate the sunshine. See how many you can cross out before the new term begins!

1. The Allergies at the Balloon Bar

Wednesday 31 May | 9:00 pm | Balloon Bar

Join us for a night of funk, soul, disco, hip-hop and breakbeat as The Allergies come to the Balloon Bar this Wednesday to share their love of funky, vintage sounds in a blistering DJ set - Perfect to set you up for Itchy Feet's takeover of Motion on Thursday.

2. Summer Event: Itchy Feet presents Sunshine Sounds

Thursday 1 June | 10.00 pm | Motion

The biggest and final party of the year! Bristol SU has teamed up with Itchy Feet forretro sunshine sounds at Motion. A brilliant way to celebrate the end of exams and the beginning of summer!

Get your ticket NOW at:

3. BBQ and Bandeokoe

Saturday 3 June | 1:00 pm | Castle Room

To celebrate the start of summer we're hosting a BBQ on the terrace at the Balloon Bar with a great food offer and loads of deals on pitchers of some summer favourites.Followed by music from Dysfunktional at 7pm.

Pre-order your meal at the bar this week for only £5.90

4. Final clothing swap of the year

Saturday 3 June | 1:00 pm | Castle Room

The last change this school year to swap the clothes you know you’re never going to wear again. Also, a great occasion to go on a hunt for hidden treasures. Either way, all leftover clothes from the event will go to charities. A perfect win win!

5. Summer balls

The beginning of June equals one of the highlights of the academic year: Summer balls! It’s time to put on that Elizabeth Taylor glam,dust off your best black tie and enjoy that the summer is finally here with cocktails and live bands. Bristol’s most opulent locations are playing host to students, including:

2nd June-Kings Weston House- BisSooc Summer Ball:

Ashton Court Mansion - History Graduation Ball:

3rd June - Goldney Hall - Constitution Ball, Enchanted Garden:

6. The Last Student Council

Monday 5 June | 6.30 pm | Richmond Building

The student council will have their final meeting of the academic year. This means that it’s the last chance to submit your ideas or issues that you want the representatives from Bristol SU to consider. For the present representative, there will be the added bonus of free pizza and prosecco as a thank you to the amazing student leaders this year

To submit idea:

7. Committee Fest

From 5 - 7 June | Richmond Building

The Committee Fest is three days of events where representatives from clubs and societies can learn different perspectives on how improve your group’s activities for the year ahead. A great way to begin your Summer with your group on the right track! Remember to book your event before 28 May at 5:00 pm.

Find out more here:

8. Exercise classes!

Throughout the summer | Look at individual events | Richmond Building

The academic year may be over, but the fitness activities at Bristol SU are still going full throttle! This means that you can continue to do your normal gym routine, or use the Summer to give new fitness activities a go through activities such as Get Active, This Girl Can or Fit &Fab.

Check out the programme here:

9. General Election All-nighter

Thursday 9 June | 8pm-late | The Balloon Bar

Stay up all night with us in the Balloon Bar on the 8th June to watch the results come in. An important moment in British history that should be shared with your fellow students.

Have a look at the event here:

Honourable Mentions:

If you're staying with usfor the whole break, here are some Bristol classics that seriously aren't to be missed.

Bristol Harbour Festival |21st-23rd July l Harbourside

If you are a fan of arts, circus, dance, music, boats, nautical capers, good food and drink and general enjoyment , make sure you put the Harbour Festival in your diary.

Balloon Fiesta |10-13 August | Ashton Court Estate

the Balloon Fiesta is such as fundamental Bristolian event that it wouldn't be a proper list of things to do without it. Whether you’ll be there throughout the festival or one of the days, it’ll be an event in multicolour not to miss!



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Bristol SU, Summer, events, 2017,

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