The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

All about AMM

Monday 11-02-2019 - 09:00

Written by Zoe Backhouse, Chair of Student Council 2018-19

Imagine there was a day in Parliament where the public could not only go and watch the debate but where they could also change the law. Well, AMM is the University of Bristol version. Every year, the Students' Union holds a meeting where anyone - whether you're halfway through your PhD or freshly moved into halls - can come and vote on Students' Union policy. Over 400 students come together in the Anson Rooms and debate what the Students' Union should focus on, often passing policy that will have a monumental impact on the lives of students for years to come. And, if that hasn't got your attention, there's always free pizza. 
In previous Annual Members' Meetings, students have passed policy to bring in a full-time International Officer, bring in a transport service to Langford and move the SU to campus (leading to the SU Living Room!). I, in fact, presented a motion in my first year to stop non-Stoke Bishop residents paying for the bus pass in their rent.  The motion passed, went into the SU machine and then the new rules came into effect a year later. Technically I'm responsible for saving thousands of students hundreds of pounds each! You can thank me later. Actually, you can thank me by coming to the Annual Members Meeting :)

SO, mark it in your calendars: the 26th February 2019, the biggest democratic event of the year and the place where students are most likely to spill some democratic tea. Bring popcorn. 
Finally, if you want to have the incredible privilege of chairing this meeting and the Student Council, having oversight over the Officer elections and being the key contact for student democracy, my role is up for grabs! This job and hundreds of others are currently open for election, so nominate yourself before the 28th February. If you have any questions about being Chair please get in touch. Running for a rep role was the best thing I ever did. 
See you over some free pizza on the 26th February! 




Events, Officer blogs, Union democracy

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AMM, Annual Members' Meeting, democracy, elections, #SUYesYou,

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