A rundown of some of the motions proposed by students for our 2017 Annual Members’ Meeting.
AMM returns on 23rd of February. This is the biggest event in the democracy calendar, each year bringing together hundreds of Bristol students, to debate and decide Bristol SU policy for the next three years.
The debate can get pretty heated - and not just from the fumes of hundreds of free pizzas. Year on year, AMM sees impassioned debates on a range of issues affecting students. With that in mind, we thought we’d take a look at some of the things Bristol students want to see in 2017.
For the full list of motions see here.
An end to make it or break it modules
This motion seeks to limit the use of modules that rely on one assessment that counts for 100% of the grade. This seeks to boost wellbeing, by reducing the pressure placed on students in the exam hall.
A full-time International Students’ Officer
International students account for almost a fifth of Bristol’s students, but over the last seven years Bristol SU has not had a single full-time officer who has been an international student, and not for lack of interest! Last year alone 17 students ran for the part-time International Student’s role.
This motion would introduce a seventh officer to the Bristol SU full-time officer team, with the view of boosting engagement and representation of international students.
An end to anti-semitism
2016 saw a 36% rise in hate incidents motivated by anti-semitism, compared to the previous year.
This motion asks that full-time officers are given training to help them understand the issues faced by Jewish students and to tackle anti-semitism.
The return of the Mandela Bar
Many students know of the Balloon Bar, but the Union’s smaller bar goes under a much more elusive title.
Now known by the not so catchy title, AR1/2 Bar; before the Richmond Building was refurbished, this bar was known as the Mandela Bar, in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s struggle for freedom and justice. This motion would bring back the Mandela Bar.
To fight the Higher Education Bill
This motion would see Bristol SU continue to boycott the National Student Survey, should proposed reforms to Higher Education pass into law.
These reforms force Universities to compete like they’re in a market, battling for a bronze, silver or gold award. Universities with higher awards will be allowed to charge higher fees, which would see an increase in tuition fees.
The current boycott was passed into policy at Student Council in June. You can read more about why we’re boycotting here.
Union support for Rent Strikes
Rent Strikes have garnered increasing attention recently, with 85 Bristol students having recently pledged to strike in protest of increasing rent costs in University Halls.
This motion asks for Bristol SU to support student’s on rent strike, including providing advice to rent strikers.
Grab your vote cards and hit the floor.
This years AMM takes place from 5pm on 23 February.