The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

AMM 2019 Motion Breakdown

Tuesday 19-02-2019 - 11:00

AMM returns on Tuesday 26 February. This is the biggest event in the democracy calendar, each year bringing together hundreds of Bristol students, to debate and decide Bristol SU policy for the next three years.

The debate can get pretty heated - and not just from the fumes of hundreds of free pizzas. Year on year, AMM sees impassioned debates on a range of issues affecting students. With that in mind, we thought we’d take a look at some of the things Bristol students want to see in 2019. Remember you can vote in the priority ballot to make sure the motion you care about most gets talked about at the meeting.

Ban Groups or ‘slates’ running in Union elections

This motion asks to stop teams from running in the Bristol SU elections, and to make sure no candidate’s publicity material may promote any candidate running for a different role. The purpose of this motion is to make sure elections are as accessible as possible and less intimidating to solo candidates.

Can you at least pretend to care about us?

Estranged students are young people studying without the support and approval of a family network. Care Leavers are any adult who spent time in care as a child (i.e. under the age of 18). This motion asks for a ‘Care Leavers and Estranged Students’ Network to be developed and supported by the ELA and/or Student Living Officer. 

Change the University Default Search Engine to Ecosia

This motion proposes that Ecosia is made the default search engine on all University of Bristol computers on campus to help contribute to the University’s sustainability. For approximately every 45 searches carried out on Ecosia a tree is planted in one of their partner projects around the world.

Create a Parents, Carers and Mature Students Network

This motion seeks to create a Parents, Carers and Mature Students Network, which will sit under the Equality, Liberation & Access Officer and Student Living Officer. The network will work to identify key challenges that these groups face and lobby the University to improve the student experience of student parents, carers and mature students.

Declare a Climate Emergency 

This motion asks to lobby the university to declare a climate emergency, and to promote action on the university’s sustainability pledge to become carbon neutral by 2030.

Divesting from Israel’s Illegal Occupation of the West Bank

This motion seeks to renew a motion from 2016 to ensure that it remains active policy for Bristol SU. It asks that Bristol SU condemns Israel's illegal occupation of the west bank and lobbies the university to end all financial links to companies with links to Israeli settlements in the west bank.

I AMM In Favour of Change

If passed, this motion will mandate Bristol SU and the Officer team to review AMM within the next three years and to bring together concrete suggestions for a change to AMM within the timeframe, having consulted widely with the student body.

Inclusion of Gender Identity in SU Byelaws

This motion asks for an edit to the Students’ Union byelaws so that no club or society can discriminate against members as a result of gender identity. This will help every student to feel explicitly welcome in clubs and societies under the Students’ Union.

Make Network Committee Elections closer to March Elections

This motion proposes that network committee elections are moved to be held closer to the March elections, rather than taking place in October as they currently do. This will allow Network chairs to be better supported in their roles.

Motion of No Confidence in NUS President Shakira Martin

In a letter released on 1 November, NUS President Shakira Martin and NUS Acting Chief Executive Peter Robertson announced that NUS is facing a £3 million deficit “in this and in future years”. This motion asks to submit a motion of no confidence in NUS President Shakira Martin to NUS National Conference and to campaign against any cuts to democracy, representation and campaigns in the NUS.

Protecting Free Speech on Campus

This motion asks for Bristol SU to make clear that it adheres to the current university code of practice on free speech in a transparent document which is easily accessible. It also asks for Bristol SU to outline how it intends to address the issues highlighted by the Freedom of Speech in Universities enquiry and the new EHRC guidance.

Support for Student Workers through the Couriers’ Network

This motion seeks for Bristol SU to publicly support the Bristol Couriers’ Network in their fight to make Deliveroo a fair job for a fair wage. It also asks for Bristol SU to communicate with all students, including those who are riders for Deliveroo, about industrial action.

Two Dedicated roles in the International Students’ Network Committee (EU and Overseas)

This motion asks to change the terms of reference for the international students’ network to have at least two committee roles dedicated to EU and non-EU students. This will help to increase the representation of the International community at the University.

Vote in the priority ballot by 12pm on Friday 22nd February to have a say in which order the motions should be heard. You can see the full motions at


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Events, Union democracy

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democracy, AMM, motions, Annual Members' Meeting,

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