The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

AMM 2020 Motion Breakdown

Tuesday 18-02-2020 - 09:00

AMM returns on Tuesday 25 February. This is the biggest event in the democracy calendar, each year bringing together hundreds of Bristol students, to debate and decide Bristol SU policy for the next three years.

The debate can get pretty heated - and not just from the fumes of hundreds of free pizzas. Year on year, AMM sees impassioned debates on a range of issues affecting students. With that in mind, we thought we’d take a look at some of the things Bristol students want to see in 2020. 

Trial Dairy-Free Campus Cafes in 2020/21

This motion asks for the University to trial cutting dairy from all campus cafes and to seek feedback from students on the change. If the feedback is positive then the change should be made permanent.

Academic Writing Centre

This motion proposes that an academic writing centre should be established which would be beneficial particularly for international students and offer proof-reading amongst other support.

Network Terms of Reference Alignment

Networks are a key part of student representation and in SU democracy. This motion aims to make the Terms of Reference of liberation networks more aligned and consistent.

Supporting Student Societies with Security Costs

This motion proposes that student societies should be alleviated from the burden of high security costs associated with inviting high-profile speakers.

Temporary and Short-term recruitment Services for Students

This motion aims to make it easier for students to access internships and short-term job opportunities within the university by ensuring that student staff recruitment is managed by Bristol SU. It also asks for Bristol SU to set up a Job Shop.

One-split Wonder: Rag, Volunteering and Sustainability Network

This motion asks for the current network to be split into two new networks, the ‘Volunteering and Fundraising’ network and ‘Sustainability’ network.

Support Student Rent Strikes

Rent in halls and the private sector has gone up significantly in the past five years. This motion asks for Bristol SU to support all student rent strikes aimed at university-owned or leased accommodation through publicity, practical support and finances.

As well as discussion on motions there will be an opportunity to hear updates from your full-time officer team and ask them questions about their work. You'll also have a chance to pick the leaders of the two campaigns for the upcoming NUS referendum. There will also be an opportunity to feed into the new Bristol SU strategy and hear from members of UCU about current strike action.

You can see the full motions online at


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Union democracy

Related Tags :

AMM, annual members meeting, democracy, motions, SUYESYOU,

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