The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Annual Members' Meeting Guide

Thursday 18-02-2021 - 16:51

What even is an AMM? 

AMM is Bristol SU’s Annual Members’ Meeting. This is your chance to decide the direction of policy in the SU, and also hold the current full-time SU officers to account! 


How does it work? 

Every year students put forward suggestions (called motions), which are designed to improve students’ lives. All Bristol students can then attend the Annual Members Meeting (AMM) and vote for the ones they would like to see happen at Bristol SU! Any motions that are passed will become Bristol SU policy for three years. 


What does it achieve? 

In previous AMMs, students have passed policy to introduce a full time International Students’ Officer, support the student rent strikes, to save students money on bus passes, declare a climate emergency, and so much more! 


When is it? 

This year’s AMM is on Tuesday 2 March from 16:00, and will take place over Zoom. You can register for a place here.  


So, what’s up for debate this year? 

Students have submitted 8 different motions ready to be debated at this year’s AMM, including one which would introduce a private-school admissions cap, and another to establish a student Tenants Union. 

You can vote on which of these motions you want to discuss now in our priority ballot.



1. Antisemitism Awareness Week 

This motion asks Bristol SU to hold an annual Antisemitism Awareness Week, in line with the national Union of Jewish Students (UJS) campaign. Bristol SU would work with Bristol J-Soc to promote these events to educate students about what antisemitism is, and how to combat it on our campuses.  


2. Championing Issues Facing Students with Caring Responsibilities 

This motion would mandate Bristol SU to address issues of extensions, extenuating circumstances, and timetabling for Bristol students who have caring responsibilities. The motion also asks for Bristol SU to campaign for better access to financial support, which could include parental leave for PGR students, and a childcare fund. 


3. Establishing a Student Tenants Union 

This motion asks Bristol SU to endorse the creation of a students tenants union in Bristol. The SU and Student Living Officer would work with other unions nationally to get this going, and would provide SU marketing support to the newly formed union.  


4. Governance Review Stage 3 

In 2020, the second stage of Bristol SU’s governance review took place. If passed, this motion would confirm the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association, and Byelaws of Bristol SU.  


5. Official Recognition of the Peer-Support Scheme at the University of Bristol 

This motion seeks to set up a Peer Support Panel at Bristol SU to provide wellbeing support to students who don’t need high-level support such as counselling, but would benefit from peer-support. This scheme would be publicised by Bristol SU staff, the University, and ResiLife. It also proposes the creation of a mental health accreditation scheme for societies.  


6. Officialisation of the Financial Wellbeing Project 

This motion asks Bristol SU to set up an annual calendar of financial tips for students, including advice on student bank accounts and building a credit score. The SU Officers would lead events campaigns around financial wellbeing, and the Just Ask Advice service would expand their current service to include financial advice to students.  


7. Paid Postgraduate Parental and Long-term Sick Leave 

This motion simply asks Bristol SU to campaign for paid parental leave and long-term sickness leave for PGR students. As part of this, Bristol SU would undertake research to find out students’ experiences with the current system. 


8. Private School Admissions Cap 

This motion proposes the idea of a cap on the number of students admitted to the University of Bristol who come from private schools. Bristol SU would engage in discussion, consultation, and research in collaboration with the university, the widening participation department, student societies, and other groups to fully understand education inequality within higher education. If passed, Bristol SU would publicly support this stance and campaign for the university to proactively reduce the private school population until the university reaches the national population average (7%). 



What happens next? 

  • Vote in the priority ballot for the motions you want to discuss.
  • AMM takes place on Tuesday 2 March at 16:00. Register in advance to secure your place.
  • Voting will take place once in the couple of days after the meeting is completed – all students who attend will be contacted with details on how to vote. 



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