Awards season has been a fantastic celebration of all the amazing things that our students and staff do to make Bristol great!
The Society Awards happened on 10 June, followed by the Sports Awards on 12 June with the grand finalé, the SU Awards, rounding off the season on 13 June.
Here are the winners of the 2019 SU Awards.
Amy-Leigh Hatton
David Charles
Ruth Day
Charlotte Smith
Maddy Kunkler
James Morgan
BVDA (Bristol Volunteers for Development Abroad)
Roots Community Gardening
Nicky Tarran
Shivali Sharma
Black History Month
Bristol Student Staff Solidarity Group
Maddy Kunkler & Sustainability Month
RMD Bristol (Resuscitation for Medical Disciplines)
Michael Natzler
Sally Emerson
Bristruths (The Brispages)
Hindu Society
Ed Southgate and Cameron Scheijde
Sarah Price
Grace Kendrick
Tracy Brunnock
Robiu Salisu
Annie Avery
Monica Pacek
Tom Wallis
RAG, Volunteering and Sustainability Network
Global Carnival
Mind Your Head
East Meets West
BME Network
Nura Alyah
Neha Maqsood
Women's Football
Bollywood Dance Society
Chaos Society
Hindu Society