Bristol SU has a number of societies which have been accredited with gold status on the Balloon Accreditation Scheme. We caught up with Badminton to find out more about their student group.
University of Bristol Badminton Club is the largest indoor club at the university, full of people looking to enjoy the fastest racket sport in the world! Over 200 members benefit from our 3-tiered system; our Social, Development and Performance squads cater for those who have never picked up a racket all the way up to those competing at an international standard. From games and training to circuits and strength and conditioning, there’s something that suits everyone.
Off-court we’re a friendly bunch, and have socials ranging from the classic sports night experience to sleepovers, barbecues, formals, and trips to international tournaments.
Most of our sessions take place in the sports hall at the Indoor Sports Centre, with some sessions held at the sports hall in the Kingsdown Sports Centre. We enter multiple teams into the local Avon leagues, which sees them venturing to sports halls all over the county!
For more information about our sessions, please visit our website at:
In terms of BUCS points, 2017/18 was our most successful year EVER! Our first year with 5 teams (increased from 3) saw our Men’s 1st Team promoted to the Southern Premier league, the Men’s 2nds finishing 2nd in their league and Men’s 3rds promoted. The Women’s 2nds also made it all the way to the final of the Conference Cup, all of which resulted in another top 10 BUCS finish. We’ve also maintained our Performance Sport status – which means we enjoy access to coaching support and other perks from the Bristol Uni Sport team.
We were proud to introduce Disability Badminton to the university, providing an open and friendly environment for all staff and students with any disability, injury or impairment to experience badminton. This includes wheelchair badminton, blind and deaf badminton and mental health sport.
We also ran our first national Bronze tournament, and to top it all off the club was named the SU’s Sports Club of the Year!
This year is going to be a big one for UoBBC. Here are some of the things we have planned:
• 5 University BUCS teams, 5 Local League doubles teams, 3 Singles League teams
• 2nd UoBBC National Bronze Tournament – this time adding Mixed Doubles
• 3rd Annual Alumni Event
• Families scheme
• Summer and Winter formals
• Regular off-court socials
• Rob Newmarch Ladies Doubles Tournament
• Looking to run our very first Badminton Tour – watch this space!
Find out more about the Badminton Club at
Find out more about Societies and Clubs
Find out more about the Balloon Accreditation Scheme