The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Badminton: One of Bristol SU's Gold Societies

Monday 07-08-2017 - 13:53

Bristol SU has a number of societies who have been accredited with gold status on the Balloon Accreditation Scheme. We caught up with Badminton to find out a bit more about their sports club.

What you do?

University of Bristol Badminton club (UoBBC) is a large, thriving and vibrant club offering competitive and recreational badminton in an open and friendly environment. We encourage students of any ability to get in contact and come play!

We offer a range of sessions across 3-tiers: social, development and performance catering for those who have never picked up a racket to those competing at an international standard.

Off the court we run a huge number of social events throughout the year, from formals, to nights out, and trips to international tournaments right through to film nights and BBQs

Where you do it?

Sessions take place in the sports hall at the University of Bristol Indoor Centre for Sport, Exercise and Health on Tyndalls Avenue.  

For more information about our sessions please visit website at:

What have you achieved and how have you met the standards of the Gold award?

2016/17 was an amazing year for UoBBC. We achieved performance sport status- which means we enjoy access to coaching support and prime time sandwich slots.

We also saw more members playing than ever before, had our Ladies 1st BUCS team finish 2nd in the premiership and all three of our development teams promoted, and most recently became an SU Gold accredited society.

 Anything different you're planning for next year?

With over 150 members and 2 professional coaches, UoBBC has a calendar full of both on and off court opportunities for our members. Some fo the things we have planned are:

  • 5 University BUCS Teams, 3 Local League Teams, 1 Bristol Singles League Team
  • Surpass last year's results at BUCS Nationals
  • UoBBC National Bronze Tournament
  • Increased grassroots to performance pathway access to all UoB students
  • Winter and Spring fancy dress handicap fun competitions
  • Rob Newmarch Ladies Doubles Tournament
  • Trips to watch professional badminton
  • 2nd Annual Alumni Event
  • Summer and Winter Formals
  • Regular off-court socials

Find out more about badminton club at

Related Tags :

sports, Societies, clubs, badminton,

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