The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Be ManKind

Thursday 01-03-2018 - 12:00

The Be ManKind Campaign was established in March 2017 to create awareness for male mental health and wellbeing at the University of Bristol. The campaign is now back and will start again on Monday 5 March.  

It encourages male students, staff and alumni to talk about their mental health in the hope to end the stigma surrounding men revealing their emotions and perceived weaknesses.

Through working closely with sports clubs and the Sport, Exercise and Health department at the University, it tries to promote the benefits of sport and physical activity to one's mental wellbeing.

Whilst encouraging men to get involved in exercise during their time as students, the campaign aims to highlight the wide range of benefits physical activity can offer; friendship, community, routine, and so much more than the image of 'lad' culture.

Part one of the campaign ran in 2017 and went on to win Campaign of the Year Award at the Bristol SU Awards.

Part two of the campaign will be taking place from 5-9 March and will share stories through video on the Be ManKind Facebook page. Look at their page throughout the week and share any content to take part in the campaign.


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Related Tags :

Be Mankind, wellbeing, male, Health, campaign, mental health, male mental health, campaign of the year,

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