Bristol SU is affiliated to the National Union of Students - NUS. Each year NUS have a National Conference to decide on the policy and direction that NUS should work towards. As an affiliated Union we send 7 delegates to this conference (including the Union Affairs Officer) to represent and vote on behalf of Bristol.
Hillary Gyebi-Ababio and Syirah Ami Azrul were two of our NUS delegates for 2019-20. Here's what they had to say about the role:
I ran to be an NUS delegate because I wanted to be able to represent Bristol students on national issues like hidden course costs, rent reduction campaigns and the effects of Brexit.
The NUS has also proved to be such a big and influential force in fighting for liberation groups and fighting for better rights, resources, and treatment for underrepresented groups. I felt it would be powerful to meet and work with other delegates from other universities to be able to mobilize and fight for students as a collective. - Hillary
It was very interesting - we were given training and support from SU staff to prepare us for the conference. NUS conference is wild; so many people will come up to you and ask for support with elections and motions. You become so involved in national student politics in a way most people can't be, and learn about how different SUs function and different campaigns students have led. - Syirah
I enjoyed it and would definitely do it again. I met some of my closest friends there and it encouraged me in my role of (future) Sabbatical Officer. - Hillary
Yes! Especially if you're into student politics or looking to get into it. There are so many problems students campaign for that deserve solidarity from the NUS, and the conference is your opportunity to help the NUS make national change. - Syirah
In 2020, the NUS Conference will take place on Tuesday 31st March - Thursday 2nd April in Liverpool.
Find out more about the Bristol SU elections.
Find out more about the different roles in the Bristol SU elections.