The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Brass Band Success

Thursday 22-02-2018 - 15:36
Brass band

On Saturday 17 February, the University of Bristol Brass Band competed at UniBrass 2018 which this year took place at York Barbican.

Looking to better their best ever result previously of fourth from last, the band were entered into the "Shield" section competing against 10 other university brass bands.The judges were prominent brass players Helen Varney and Chris Bradley.

Under the baton of conductor Zak Eastop, the band played ‘Dimensions’ by Peter Graham, and the ‘Saga of Tyrfing’ by Jacob Vilhelm Larsen, a musically challenging programme which showed how far the band had come since they last competed 2 years ago.

Despite fears the band had sacrificed entertainment for musical quality, the judges rewarded their challenging programme with top marks, proving once and for all that good music is more entertaining than anything else! The band won their section, scoring 98/100 for musical quality, and 47/50 for entertainment in both pieces.

They would like to say a huge thank you to the UniBrass 2018 Committee for organising such an enjoyable day (and after party too!) and are looking forward to upcoming concerts in the summer term.



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brass band, Success, UniBrass, competition, music, Societies, clubs,

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