The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Bristol SU Elections 2020

Monday 27-01-2020 - 09:00

Nominations for the Bristol SU elections have officially opened and will remain open until midnight on Thursday 27 February.

The main Bristol SU elections take place in March each year and elect Full Time Officers, Chairs of Networks, Chair of Student Council, Faculty Reps, returning Course Reps and Student Trustees. This year there will also be a referendum on Bristol SU's membership of the NUS (National Union of Students).

Why should I care?

Every student at the university, no matter what you're studying, is eligible to run for a role in the march elections. This is your opportunity to represent other students, develop your skills and do something that you're passionate about. The roles vary from full time paid positions to part time volunteer roles which only require a couple of hours a term. 

Bristol SU is led by our reps and over the last few years has done loads for students including:

  • stopping Saturday exams
  • microwaves on campus
  • opening 5 Bristol SU Living Rooms on campus

By running to be a rep in the SU elections you can help change things at the University of Bristol to improve the student experience. You can help get the student voice heard by the university and make change for future students.

I don't really think it's for me though...

Fear not - if you don't think a role is for you, you can still get involved.

If you don't want to nominate yourself you can recommend a friend who you think would do a great job.

Everyone is eligible to vote in an SU election so you can vote for who you want to represent you.

This year we'll also be holding a referendum on whether we should remain members of the NUS which all students are also eligible to vote in.

And later this term we have an absolute democracy treat for you - AMM. The Annual Member's Meeting is on Tuesday 25 February and is open to all students to put forward motions to become Bristol SU policy and to vote on those motions. It's also an opportunity to hold your current officers to account, and eat some free pizza. It wouldn't be democracy without free pizza.

If you don't get involved, you can't complain when things don't go your way so...

  • Nominate yourself
  • Recommend a friend
  • Don't forget to vote
  • And get AMM in your diary



Union democracy

Related Tags :

democracy, elections, SUYESYOU, nominations,

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