The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Bristol SU Zero Waste Shop

Tuesday 02-11-2021 - 12:51

Thanks to funding from Bristol Alumni and friends, we're trialling a Bristol SU Zero Waste Shop in the Richmond Building so that you can buy essentials at affordable prices without worrying about plastic waste.

What do you need to know?

The shop will be open 1pm - 5pm, Monday - Friday on the ground floor of the Richmond Building, next to the Balloon Bar.

The shop is due to open on Thursday 4 November. We'll be trialling the shop for the rest of this term and then hope to make it a permanent fixture.

The store will be run by student staff employed by Bristol SU.

You're encouraged to bring along your own containers, but if you forget there will be containers available to buy.

Sales will only be possible in-person.

"We are incredibly excited to be trialling the first Bristol SU Zero Waste Shop following feedback at the most recent University People's Assembly for the Climate that this is what students wanted to see. We hope that we can provide a cheap way for students to shop zero waste in Bristol and start to reduce the impact their weekly shop has on the planet. We're incredibly grateful to Bristol alumni and friends for giving us funding to make this project a reality, and hope that we can turn this trial shop into a permanent part of the SU!" - Ruth Day, Bristol SU's Student Living Officer

Food in pantry

What will we be selling?

We'll be selling a mix of different food products, toiletries and home essentials.

You can expect pasta, grains, pulses, dried fruit, cereal, sweets, herbs and spices. We'll also be stocking toiletries and household must-haves.


Find out what else Bristol SU have planned for Sustainability Month.



Related Tags :

zero waste shop, sustainability, zero waste, no plastic, plastic free,

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