Bristol SU has a number of societies who have been accredited with gold status through the Balloon Accreditation Scheme. We caught up with Canoe Club to find out a bit more about their sports club.
What do you do?
Canoe club is actually a kayaking club! But that's only a small part of what we do, we kayak twice weekly in the union pool - once in our river kayaks, and again in the Polo kayaks (Wednesday & Friday at 9pm!).
And we of course head off to rehydrate after the session... We also compete in the regional canoe Polo tournaments against local teams, we compete in BUCS, and the South West university league too - We're quite good, if we do say so ourselves.
Where you do it?
Our main fun comes from getting outside on the weekends. We run frequent trips to local rivers - Dartmoor, Brecon, North Wales... and we even get to the south of France in the summer!
What have you achieved and how have you met the standards of the Gold award?
We won the South West Universities Polo League, and we placed in the top 10 at BUCS Polo too!
We spent time with our members, making sure they can have a great club that suits them, and includes everyone.
We always team up with other water-sport clubs, for socials, training, and competitions.
Anything different you're planning for next year?
The only thing we are planning on doing differently, is getting more people involved. We aim to run more trips, more frequently, and aiming to make our club more accessible to all abilities. As usual, we will have some more awesome socials too.