The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Elections Nominations are Open

Tuesday 01-02-2022 - 12:41

What would you change about being a student in Bristol? Think you deserve better standards of housing? Need the University to provide more wellbeing support? Got some great ideas about new student events? Want to improve assessment feedback? 

We need students like you to nominate yourself  to be a rep! 

Every year, Bristol students elect a new group of students to lead Bristol SU and represent students on campus. You could be one of them! As we navigate the ongoing effects of the pandemic, student democracy has never been so important. 

 What have SU reps ever done for me? 

It's a fair question, and the answer is more than you might expect! 

If you've ever used Lecture Replay, taken part in a sports club or society, used the Bristol Drugs Project drop-ins, or received a rent rebate living in halls this year, then your experience as a student has been directly shaped by the hard work of reps and full-time officers. Find out more about the impact our elected reps have had here.  

What roles are available? 

We'll be electing hundreds of roles, whether you're looking for something that will keep you busy for half an hour per week, or a full-time paid role there are positions of all levels of commitment. There will also be the opportunity to run for Student Trustee roles, elected students who serve as SU Trustees alongside their studies. Find out more about each of the roles here.  

Full Time Officers - Every year, 7 students are elected to work full-time to improve the lives of students at Bristol. They are the voice of Bristol students, play a key role in shaping education and services at the University, and lead the SU as an organisation to make sure it is doing everything it can for its members. 

Chairs of Networks - Networks are the grassroots of representation and campaigning at Bristol SU, bringing students together to work on different issues, like Wellbeing and Sport, or representing different types of students, like LGBT+ or international students. As Chair, you would be a key voice in the SU, and a part of Student Council and Standing Committee, where you’ll speak up for students in your Network and make sure the Full-Time Officers are acting in their interests. 

Faculty Reps - Faculty Reps are the lead academic reps for their Faculty, working together with the Full-Time Education Officers to form the Education Network Committee. As a leader in your Faculty, you will play a vital role in supporting, consulting with and building community amongst other academic reps in your Faculty (course reps or PGR reps). As a leader in the Education Network, you will be a key voice on educational issues at the University and help to shape our campaigning on higher-education policy nationally too. 

Course Reps - Course Reps are elected by students to represent them on academic issues. There is usually at least one rep for each year of every course at the University. As a course rep you’ll be a direct link between your coursemates, academic staff and Bristol SU. You’ll help tackle issues like problems with units or assessments on your course, and you’ll be part of the conversation of how to improve education across the University. 

What happens next? 

  • 1 February - Nominations open 
  • 9 / 17 / 21 February - Candidate Academy Training 
  • 23 February - Nominations close 
  • 7 March - Candidates are announced 
  • 8 March - Voting opens 
  • 10 March - Voting closes 
  • 11 March - Results are announced! 

How else can I get involved? 

We're glad you asked! 

  • Recommend a Friend to run in the elections, and we'll contact them with more information! 
  • Attend AMM and vote for new policy on 2 March  
  • VOTE  in the elections and decide who will represent you from 8- 10 March 

Nominations are open NOW - put yourself forward to shape the lives of all students in Bristol!  


Union democracy

Related Tags :

#SUYesYou, Course Reps, elections, Faculty Reps, full time officers, Network Chairs, nominations, Student Trustee,

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