The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Elections Results 2019

Friday 25-10-2019 - 18:30

We love a bit of democracy here at Bristol SU! Term started with nominations for our first elections of the year opening, and voting took place 21-24 October.

You came out in your thousands to vote in the first term elections, smashing previous term 1 elections records out of the park. 4340 students voted in the election (in comparison to 3349 last year), with a special shout out to taught postgraduate students who had the largest student turnout. We hope you'll help us break records in March too.

We’re so happy you used democracy to get your voice heard and elect some fantastic candidates. There was a wide range of positions up for grabs from JCR’s, course reps, faculty reps, Chairs of Networks, NUS delegates and the Democratic Standards Committee.

We'd also like to give a shout out to the students that ran for a role. Whether you won or not, we want to give everyone a round of applause for taking the time to write a manifesto, speak to fellow course mates, housemates and other students.

We encourage you to carry on running for positions, we may be biased, but we think working with the Union is great and can positively impact students’ lives.

Now, for the bit you’ve been waiting for…*drum roll please*

Here is a list of some of the winners: 

Parents, Carers and Mature Students Network Chair

Beth Dolman

Care Leavers and Estranged Students Network Chair

Nadia Sajir

Postgraduate Network Chair

Augustine Ekpe

UG Faculty Rep

Saofia Velazquez-Pimentel - Life Sciences

PGT Faculty Reps

Louis Lorenzo Holland Bonnett - Arts

Shivan Ramdhanie - Engineering

Hannah Lyons - Health Sciences

Chloe Worrall - Life Sciences

Matthew Hopkins - Science

Yao Chen - SSL

Democratic Standards Committee

Hannah Bishop

Catreya Mably

Ifrah Farooq

Joseph Clay

Alexander de Kare-Silver

NUS Delegates

Ruth Day

George Bemrose

Jason Palmer

Hillary Gyebi-Ababio

Saranya Thambirajah

Seb Sultan

You can find out more about who represents you at 




Academic news, Academic news, Academic news, Academic news, Academic news, Academic news, Equality and diversity, Equality and diversity, Equality and diversity, Equality and diversity, Equality and diversity, Equality and diversity, Officer blogs, Officer blogs, Officer blogs, Officer blogs, Officer blogs, Officer blogs, Union democracy, Union democracy, Union democracy, Union democracy, Union democracy, Union democracy

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democracy, elections, SUYESYOU, dsc, nus delegate, Faculty Reps, Network Chair,

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