The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Final Student Council: Motions

Tuesday 29-05-2018 - 14:26

The big day is coming, nope not the final day of University, not graduation but the FINAL student council of the academic year!

Below is a brief explanation of the motions that will be discussed and debated on Tuesday 5th June in the Anson Rooms starting from 4-6pm. It looks like it’s going to be an interesting one, so make sure you’re there for a (possibly) historic occasion.

Motion topics proposed include, a full-time Wellbeing Officer, Freedom of information, Reproduction Justice, Moving AMM (Annual Members Meeting) online and many more!


There is a downside, not every student can vote. These students can vote:

- Full time officer

- Chair of Network

- President/representative of a society

- Club captain

- Course Reps

- Faculty Reps

- JCR Presidents

If your rep can not make it someone on their committee can attend in their place but their name must be emailed to in advance.


Can't Vote?

But don’t fret if you aren’t any of those on the list, you can do the following:

- You can VOTE in a priority ballot. This means you can vote on what’s most important to you so this can be discussed sooner to make sure a vote is counted

- You can still come but you’ll be handed an Observer card which means you can ask questions and debate BUT your vote won’t be counted.

- Encourage your course rep, faculty repy, club captain etc to attend student council so they repesent YOU with their vote



Now, it's time to discuss the motions (the juicy stuff). Here is what your fellow students have proposed to dicuss and vote on! (In no particular order)

To see all motions in full detail, check them out here!


1. To require the SU to support an increase in the budget of the Freedom of Information team at Bristol University

Students are asking for more funding so more staff can work in the University Freedom of Information Team. This is to reduce time restraints through the process from students asking questions to receiving answers. Do you agree?


2. Students need a full-time Welfare Officer

This motions asks for the SU to have  a role review on the current Full Time Officer roles with the aim of ensuring a Full-Time Welfare Officer role. They think the creation of this role will cover the gap that currently happens with the Full Time officer roles.


3. Confronting Transmisogyny On Campus

This motions ask for Bristol SU to reviews its external speaker process to ban hate speech on campus in the interests of students welfare. It asks for the SU to committ to zero tolerance and to ask the University to take appropiate action. Additionally, it asks for the SU to run a positive trans awareness campaign of greater scope than is possible for the Trans Students' Network.


4. Reproductive Justice on campus - Abortion, Maternity and Miscarriage

This motion calls for the SU to adopt a pro-choice stance. This involves numerous things but a few of them are, to prohibit pro-life materials in the SU, for funding to be put aside for Bristol students who are Northern Irish to travel to the England for an abortion and for extenuating circumstances relating to miscarriage, abortion and pregnancy.


5. Move AMM Online

These students are asking for AMM to be moved online because they argue that AMM (Annual Members Meeting) isn't quorate enough and think moving it online will engage more students in democracy.


Vote in the priority ballot here

(Number the motions from lower to higher in the order you find them most important to discuss and vote on)


Votes on the following motions that happened at our Annual Members Meeting in February will also take place. These are;

  1. Boycott the border industry on campus

  2. Establish a Multifaith Network

  3. a - Multifaith Network Terms of Reference

  4. b - Proposed Byelaws - including Multi-Faith Network

  5. Making PG Education Officer accessible to International PG Students



Related Tags :

student council, motions, ansom rooms,

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