Student Council happens twice a year at Bristol SU. It is the main representative forum of the Students' Union. It creates policy which directs the focus for our team of 7 SU officers. Members discuss and vote on items (called motions) submitted by students. Any motions that pass become active SU policy for three years.
This term's Student Council will be taking place in person on Tuesday 7 June in the Carpenter Room (Richmond Building).
All students can submit motions and attend the meeting, but only course reps, faculty reps, network chairs JCR presidents, society presidents, volunteering project co-ordinators, or club captains can vote on motions.
Student Council happens twice a year, once in TB1, and once in TB2. Ahead of each Student Council students can put forward suggestions (called motions), which are designed to improve students’ lives. All Bristol students can then attend Student Council to watch the debates and see which motions have been voted in (passed). This year's Student Council will be held in person. If you would like to attend as a non-voting member, please email with your full name and university email address.
In previous Student Councils, students have passed policy to create Black Students' and Parents, Carers, and Mature Students' Networks, to better support pregnant students, to support the climate strike campaign, and to adopt a harm reduction approach to drugs and alcohol. This is your chance to make long-lasting and far-reaching change at Bristol.
This motion seeks to promote the welfare of Bristol students by campaigning for improved and equitable access to our recreational, study, and extra-curricular spaces. Proposed actions include Bristol SU lobbying the University of Bristol to fund an Accessibility Audit of Bristol SU branded, University of Bristol owned physical spaces.
This motion seeks greater clarity on the agenda for Student Council, in order to ensure that it aligns with the current practices that the SU has adopted over the COVID-19 pandemic and to make sure that the realities are reflected in governance. It aims to make sure that the Student Counsil’s Agenda is effective and current.
Disaffiliate the Bristol Officer Training Corps
The Bristol Officer Training Corps currently recruits Bristol students, from SU events, University events and can use the structures of the University for the benefit of the British armed forces.
This motion seeks to Cut all ties with the Bristol Officer Training Corps.
The Student Living and International Students’ Officers this year have been lobbying the University to support setting up an in-house guarantor scheme to prevent students from needing to go via private providers. This motion seeks to ensure equity in the rental experience for International and Widening Participation students, prevent private companies from profiting off student need for a home by setting up a replacement in-house guarantor service and protect the wellbeing of students living in the private rental sector.
Currently, Bristol SU’s byelaws don’t have many requirements for holding your leadership to account. Standing Committee is the main means of holding the Officers and Trustees account for student leaders but isn’t codified into our byelaws. This motion seeks to ensure that there is a clearer understanding of Standing Committee within our SU Byelaws.
If you’ve got strong opinions about any of the above motions, make sure to let your reps know how you’d like them to vote! You can find a list of course reps here.