The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Holocaust Memorial Day

Friday 27-01-2017 - 12:21
Holocaust memorial day

Today marks Holocaust Memorial Day – a day in which we remember the lives of those who were killed or affected by the Holocaust.


Over this period millions of people were persecuted because of their identity. Almost 70% of the European Jewish population were killed in this Genocide, as well as disabled and LGBT+ individuals, and other oppressed minorities.


Over the months since the EU Referendum, the UK has seen a surge in hate violence, with individuals facing violence as a result of their nationality, race or ethnicity. And in the days since the inauguration of Donald Trump, the White House website has seen civil rights and LGBT+ rights disappear.


The events of the last year suggest we have a lot more to learn from our history, and must continue to challenge racism and fascism in all its forms.  


On the 6th of February, Bristol SU’s Richmond Lectures will play host to Walter Kammerling, a survivor of the Holocaust. Kammerling’s is a sobering story, that covers life growing up as a refugee in Britain, and the loss of family, who were sadly killed in Auschwitz. Aged 92, he is still sharing his story.


Kammerling’s story reminds us that it is important that we unite and stand together as a society, encouraging understanding, kindness and empathy. We need to listen to those who face oppression and tackle prejudices.


Indeed, Kammerling urges us to trust our judgements when we see something wrong, to “say and do something [for] they say for evil to succeed, it only needs good people to be silent and that’s still as relevant now”.


We hope you will join us for what will undoubtedly be a powerful and inspirational account.


You can book your free ticket here.



Equality and diversity, National news, Officer blogs

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holocaust memorial day, walter kammerling, holocaust survivor, Richmond lectures,

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