The Bristol SU elections are now open for voting.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to vote, and a few of the phrases you might not be familiar with.
Log on to the Bristol SU website (it'll make things a bit easier). You can log in using single sign-on.
This is our voting platform. You'll be able to view all of the positions you are eligible to vote for, time left until voting closes and how many candidates are running. You'll also be able to track how many positions you have voted for.
Select a position to vote for. You'll be able to see the responsibilities of the role and the candidates running. You'll also be able to view the manifesto of each candidate. Read these carefully before making your choice. Once you're confident you know who is right for you, you can click the 'Vote Now' button.
You'll be asked to select your candidate in order of preference. Why?
Bristol SU uses Single Transferable Vote (STV), a representation system in which a person’s vote can be transferred to a second or third choice (according to their stated preference) if their first choice is eliminated during the vote count.
If you want to understand more, take a look at this youtube video explaining how another SU used STV. The most important aspect of STV is that a voter ranks candidates in order of their preference so if you like the sound of more than one candidate, make them your second choice – it could make all the difference when determining the result.
All Union elections give the option for voters to express their wish that nominations for a role should be re-opened. Voting for this option is usually taken when voters do not feel as though any of the candidates offer viable or credible policies. This is why you will see R.O.N listed as a candidate.
Should RON win an election at Bristol SU either the post would not be filled or an election would be held at a time deemed suitable to gain the maximum number of voters.
Once you've placed the candidates in order of your preference, you can hit the Vote Now button.
You will be able to vote for multiple positions, so once you've made a vote for one, remember to go back and vote for the others!
The people you are voting for will be representing you and your views to the university for the next year. That’s pretty important, so you might as well vote for a candidate whose policies you agree with. All voters this year will also be eligible for 10% off in The Balloon Bar until the end of March.
Meet the full-time officer candidates.