The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Lecture Recordings

Friday 22-03-2019 - 09:00

Did you know that all of your lectures are recorded and available online for you to listen back to? This means that you can pause, replay and take as much time on your notes as you need!

From 2015 the University began to implement lecture recording using Re/Play, but many students complained that accessing recordings was unreliable and often left up to the discretion of the school, course or even lecturer to decide whether they would provide recordings.

Recognising the concerns of these students, Bristol SU Education Officers began to lobby the University to create a University-wide policy to ensure that recordings are provided consistently for all lectures in all schools.

Lecture recordings are important not just for the times when your alarm doesn’t go off (or you turn it off and fall asleep again), but because for many students physical and mental health conditions mean that concentrating in lectures can be difficult. 

As Felix Manocha-Seymour, a second year languages student and chair of the Disabled Students’ Network, explains: “Re/Play is a life saver because it means that I can just listen to the lectures a bit later, when I’m a bit more functional, and if I’m having a rough time with information processing that day, then I can slow them down and pause them to write stuff down on the slide. It helps me so much with my course.”

After campaigning from SU Officers and the Education Network, in 2017 the University committed to investing in improving recording systems so that all lectures can be recorded and made available online. This means that students are no longer at a disadvantage depending on their course, and everyone is able to achieve academically no matter their learning style. 

To hear more about Felix’s story watch the video here: 

If your lectures aren’t being recorded, get in touch with your course or faculty rep who can take this up with the school. You can find out who your course or faculty rep is here: 

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