The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Life as a Postgraduate Research Rep

Friday 23-02-2018 - 09:00

I’m Joe, a second year PhD candidate in maths and the current PGR rep for the Faculty of Science. The faculty rep role was vacant during my first year and so I stood for election, thinking it was better to have somebody than nobody.

Over the past eight months, I’ve communicated the science researcher perspective to the University and the SU. One side of my role has meant elevating students’ voices. For example, I recently held a course rep forum where I heard about the concerns currently facing science PGRs. These issues will constitute the agenda of a meeting I will soon chair. Senior stakeholders and course reps in the faculty will attend and I am hopeful we will effect genuine change for the better.

Another part of my role has been representing PGRs on matters that will impact them. These include being consulted on the appointment of a new director of library services, the review of the 2017 PRES feedback and the development of several BDC opportunities. I have seen my comments and suggestions directly taken forward by staff. This felt supremely rewarding.

It has been exciting too to take part in the SU’s democratic machine, attending Standing Committee, Student Council and (soon) the AMM, as well as to participate in the formation and steering of the Education Network.

This kind of “peering behind the curtain”, by which I mean seeing the internal workings of the SU and University, has been the most enjoyable part of my role. The most inspirational aspect has been witnessing the continued successes and achievements of my fellow reps, both in broad daylight and behind the scenes.

I would encourage anybody to put their name forward for an elected role. This is an amazing chance to make a difference. Why not seize it?

Joe Allen, Faculty of Science PGR representative


Think you might like to shape conversations relating to your course or faculty? Nominations are open now until 1st March. Nominate yourself or recommend a friend at



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