The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Meet your new officers

Monday 20-03-2017 - 12:30

Following a record breaking voting period, we finally have our six officers who will be guiding the direction of the SU over the course of the next year. We've put together a list of who will be in each position along with the manifestos that they ran on.

So without further ado, here's who you voted for and what they promised to do:


Union Affairs Officer: Stanford


"My vision: students freely pursuing whatever activities they wish unhindered. I'll achieve this through a Union Mental Health Service, increased student access to rooms and student input on Union change!"

You can read the full "Stanifesto" here and watch his campaign video below.



Undergraduate Education Officer: Mason Ammar


"The idea is simple: Every student deserves a supportive, progressive and inclusive education. From mental health & counselling, assessments, timetabling and careers to campaigns and causes, I will represent you."

You can read Mason's full manifesto here, and check out his campaign video below.



Postgraduate Education Officer: Shubham Singh


"Supporting international students by informing them better about their work opportunities and by providing for more English-improving opportunities. Fighting the rising tuition fees by supporting the Boycott NSS campaign."

You can read Shubham's full manifesto here.


Student Living Officer: Lucky Dube


"Wellbeing is key to a student's experience: that's why I am running to be Student Living Officer. My programme will focus on halls, private housing, and mental health."

You can read Lucky's full manifesto here, and watch his campaign video below.



Equality, Liberation and Access Officer: Des Ibekwe


“Visibility and Proactivity” is my stance. I will enact policy and lobby the university on issues regarding discrimination and also create a positive learning environment for liberation identities."

You can read Des' full manifesto here.


Sport and Student Development Officer: John House


"Having made positive changes this year, I want to further increase participation, continue to build a strong sporting community and revitalise development for under-represented students."

You can read John's full manifesto here and watch his re-election video below.


Union democracy

Related Tags :

Bristol SU, elections, 2017, Officers, Results, manifesto,

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