The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Mental Health Survey Launch

Monday 30-04-2018 - 14:10

Last year Bristol SU worked alongside John Gilbert, Undergraduate Health Sciences Faculty Representative 2016-17, and the University of Bristol to research student wellbeing.

Working with leading academics experienced in mental health research, we designed a survey that was sent out to all students in the Health Sciences Faculty in May 2017. This questionnaire was used to look at the prevalence of wellbeing issues within the student population, and identify how we could better support student wellbeing. We looked at issues from financial stress, to barriers to seeking support, and asked what you thought we could do next.

We got an overwhelming response, with almost 60% of students in the Faculty taking the time to fill in the survey. This research helped us to identify and start tackling issues affecting student wellbeing, and has started a huge conversation around how we can keep striving to provide the best support for you and ensure you have a great student experience.

We think it’s time to broaden the dialogue.

Today, as part of Mind Your Head, we launch the Student Mental Health & Wellbeing Survey.

This survey will be used to help us identify patterns in student wellbeing and to inform the University’s service provision. It is open to all undergraduate students, whether you’ve experienced mental health issues or not, and we hope you’ll take the opportunity to share your experiences with us to ensure we can make the changes that matter to you. The survey will be open to postgraduate students in June.

So go on, fill in the survey and tell us how you’re doing today.

From 30 April – 11 May, we’ll be drawing attention to student mental health through the Wellbeing Network’s Mind Your Head Campaign. We’ll be hosting a whole host of events framed around the 5 ways to wellbeing, and you can check out the full programme here.




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wellbeing, mental health, Survey, Mind Your Head, Bristol, student, university, How are you?, support,

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