February is always a busy month for Bristol SU, particularly in the world of democracy! Here are a few of the things your elected officers have been working on.
Content Warning: There are references to suicide later in this text.
UCU Industrial Action has officially started again, and your officer team have released a statement against anti-marketisation as part of their work to support the strikes:
Bristol SU stands against the marketisation of higher education, and we recognise the key role that it plays in causing the issues that university staff are striking over, as well as many of the issues currently faced by students.
In 2010, following the release of the Browne Report, the Government voted to raise the cap on tuition fees from £3,290 a year to £9,000 a year. This move has had a detrimental impact on the higher education sector, with universities forced further into competition, which has changed education from a right to a commodity.
We recognise that the rise in tuition fees has not only negatively impacted higher education institutions themselves, but it has also greatly harmed the student experience. Students have been forced into the position of consumers, and sector-wide issues on the subjects of wellbeing, housing, and community building have grown in severity and complexity.
Going forwards, we will be using our voice as a member of the National Union of Students (NUS) and Russell Group SUs to amplify and bring further attention to the issue, and fight for a democratised, demarketised, and decolonised education. We will challenge the University on mitigating the local impact, through addressing the need to continue improving wellbeing support, challenging the unsustainable expansion of the institution, and supporting student-staff solidarity.
Bristol SU will join in with national campaigns opposing the marketisation of higher education, such as the NUS ‘Walk Out /Teach In’ student strike. ‘Walk Out/ Teach In’ is a national student strike day of action and part of the NUS ‘New Vision for Education campaign’, which aims to tackle the commodification of higher education and make it more accessible for all. If you’d like to attend the main event in London then you can get free return travel on an organised coach. If you’d prefer to stay in Bristol, we encourage students to show their support for this campaign by attending the local rally on 2 March and marching alongside striking staff.
From 28 February- 4 March we will be running the ‘Dare to Care’ campaign, which aims to break down the stigma and difficulties surrounding conversations on suicide in the University community.
As part of this joint campaign between Bristol SU and the University, we’ve teamed up with the Zero Suicide Alliance to provide students and staff with access to free, 20-minute, suicide prevention training. The training details the skills needed to have important conversations with those who may be struggling.
There will also be a series of events running throughout the campaign week, including a Wellbeing Network Forum, a Suicide Prevention Overview Tutorial with Papyrus for student leaders and the Zero Suicide Alliance online training taking place on University Mental Health Day.
This month we’re bringing you a packed schedule of events to promote inclusion in sport at Bristol!
Starting with a series of LGBT+ B:Active sessions, taking place throughout next week, details of which have been shared with LGBT+ student groups and networks. These sessions are taking place as part of the Rainbow Laces campaign, which aims to highlight LGBT+ individuals and allyship in sporting communities.
We are also excited to announce the upcoming Being Black in Football event which is taking place on 29 March! This event will feature your very own Sport and Student Development Officer, Obafemi Alabi, in conversation with Robbie Lyle (founder of AFTV which is the largest football fan in channel in the world).
Ifrah saw Sing 2, which she described as the ‘best film ever’ and ‘life-changing’ and Leah attended the Global Lounge Lunar New Year event where she made a tealight holder which she’s very proud of!