The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

National Lockdown Officer Statement

Tuesday 05-01-2021 - 16:00

We hope that you are safe and well wherever you are currently. As your officer team we are now back at work with the rest of the Bristol SU team following the winter break and are looking for the best ways to support you throughout the new national lockdown.  

We’ve been living with the reality of COVID-19 for a significant amount of time now but know that the national lockdown announced last night will bring new challenges for many of you. 

It is important in this time that we recognise our shared responsibility to each other and take the necessary precautions to ensure that we are keeping ourselves and those most vulnerable safe by following government guidance to stay at home, unless for specific purposes.
We know how varied the student experience is and we will continue to work closely with the university to make sure you are getting the support you need, and that the student voice is heard in decisions being made. Just some of the things we’ll be looking at as a matter of urgency include: 

  • Academic mitigations for January Assessments 
  • Rent rebates and contract releases for students in halls of residences
  • Tuition Fees 
  • Support for International students 
  • Financial Hardship 
  • Wellbeing support 
  • Supporting students in private-sector accommodation

The university will be providing detailed information on plans for this term as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you have any questions you can contact the Student Information Service at 

We’re conscious that the current situation is likely to affect your wellbeing so would encourage you to reach out to wellbeing access for support if you need it.  

We will share more information on our plans for this term shortly via email, social media and our coronavirus webpage so you can stay updated with the work we’re doing to support you. You can contact us via email to let us know what is concerning you.
In love and solidarity, 
The Bristol SU Officer Team 


Useful resources: 

Keep up to date with everything your SU is doing to support you here

Check University updates here

Wellbeing Access 



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Lockdown, Coronavirus, officer statement,

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