The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Network Highlights of the Year (so far...)

Tuesday 12-02-2019 - 09:00

Our networks are spaces for students with shared identities or interests to come together and make a change. Every year our Network Chairs work to make things better for the students they represent with passion and conviction. Here are just a few of the highlights from this year...

If you feel inspired to improve the student experience, then this could be you! Find out about the roles available and nominate yourself or recommend a friend by Thursday 28 February.

Uniting around sustainability…

Our RAG, Volunteering & Sustainability Network Chair has brought together sustainability societies to organise our biggest ever calendar of events dedicated to environmentalism. From panels with academics and workshops with activists, to clothes swaps and comedy nights, Sustainability Month offers something for everyone!

Celebrating our LGBT+ community…

Our LGBT+ Network Chair teamed up with the Trans Network and the LGBT+ Society to make this year’s LGBT+ History Month bigger and better than ever. Alongside organising performances, talks, ceilidhs and more, the networks have taken over our SU timeline in the Richmond Building to give passers by an insight into Bristol’s often overlooked LGBT+ history.

Voicing student concerns around Brexit…

Our Widening Participation and International Students’ Network Chairs have been working with Equalities Officer Sally Patterson to give Bristol students a national voice on Brexit. As well as leading a group of students to the People’s Vote March, they have spoken up for students and young people on Sky News and hosted a Q&A on Brexit with our local MP Thangam Debbonnaire.

Making societies open to all…

Our Disabled Students Network Chair teamed up with our Societies Network Chair to pass a motion at Student Council requiring societies to designate a committee member to undergo training and take the lead on making their society more accessible. Now the Network and our Equalities Officer are working on designing the online training course.

Launching the BME Powerlist…

Our BME Network Chair sat on the judges’ panel and spoke at the launch of the BME Powerlist. The launch event formed part of a host of amazing events for Black History Month organised by the network, and saw activists, artists, politicians and entrepreneurs come together to celebrate the unsung heroes who make Bristol so incredible.

Reclaiming the Night…

Our Women’s Network Chair brought together women’s organisations and feminist activists from the University and wider community to march for women’s right to be safe from harassment, before descending on the Anson Rooms for a night of talks, performances and music.

Building communities in schools…

In October our Education Network trained over 100 course reps with the skills and knowledge to represent your academic interests to the University. Recently the Network brought course reps together to look at how the SU can make sure students feel part of their school’s community and are supported both academically and around wellbeing.

Standing up for students’ mental health…

Our Wellbeing Network held a forum for students to discuss and feedback on the University’s proposed mental health strategy, giving students direct input into the way that the University views and treats student mental health.


More Information

Find out what else your reps have done for you.

Find out more about the different Networks.

Nominate yourself to run in the Bristol SU elections.



Equality and diversity, Officer blogs, Sustainability, Union democracy

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