The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

New improved sports pass

Friday 22-09-2017 - 09:30
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For years one of the biggest concerns to students at Bristol was the cost of sport and physical activity. Over the last two years, Bristol SU and The Centre for Sport Exercise and Health have worked hard to create a new model that addresses students concerns as well as bringing in greater flexibility.

We’re delighted to say that this new pricing structure launches this year and offers students both a reduced price and the opportunity to pay monthly, starting and stopping whenever they choose.

Accessing sports club training, the B:Active Campus programme and casual bookings from this year only costs £5.99 a month or £54 annually. At the other end of the scale, Active Plus, that gains you access to the gym at all times, any classes and the swimming pool, will cost £24.99 a month, or £225 for the year (a reduction of £70 from last year). There are a further 3 levels in between at different prices that offer students the flexibility to choose what best suits them, all representing a great change for students at Bristol.

Thanks to all the students who have been involved over the years to allow us to make these positive changes.

You can find out more and purchase a sports pass here:

John House, Sport and Student Development Officer


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sports, Sports Pass, Active, exercise, news, sports memebership, gym,

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