Student Council is just around the corner. A time to see democracy in its finest form and where healthy debate flows freely. But what motions are to be debated I hear you ask...
Well, you’re in luck! This blog gives you a run-down of the six motions to be debated at the next Student Council meeting. Have a read and be inspired. Feel passionately about any of these? Make sure your course rep, network chair, society president or club captain is present and having their say.
Bristol students have been asking for an International Students' Officer for a while now, and the 2017 Annual Member's Meeting mandated the Officer Team to deliver this. The final step for this to happen is give final authority to drafted amendments on the byelaws at Student Council. Will this role do what International Students would like it to?
Moving on to something a little more political... The UK is currently the only country in Europe which detains immigrants and asylum seekers arbitrarily without a time limit. This motion aims to provide awareness on the issue to the student body, give support to student groups who engage with these issues and condemn the actions taken by the Government in detaining asylum seekers and immigrants.
This motion seeks to create a community around positive masculinity and male mental health, including a year-long campaign around male mental health. Mental Health and Wellbeing are important topics that Bristol students are passionate about - do you agree with this latest proposal? Have your say on Tuesday.
Student Council currently requires quoracy to legitimately pass policy - this currently stands at 10% of Student Council membership. This motion seeks to reduce the regular back-log of ratification required at each democratic event and enable action to be taken at Student Council. Do you think quoracy should be reduced? Have your say this Tuesday.
Another process related motion - The last review of full time officer roles happened in 2014, and since that time the democratic structure of the Union has changed with the introduction of networks. This motion seeks to update the byelaws of the SU to include a fixed periodic four yearly review of the remits of the union officers. Do you think this will help to support the networks? Could this increase the relevance of elected full-time officer roles? Join the debate at Student Council.
Many students with disabilities experience difficulties taking part in societies, and currently society committees do not receive any mandatory training to help them make their societies more accessible. This motion aims to ensure that all societies will have a committee member who receives accessibility training and takes responsibility for ensuring accessibility within the society. Reratification could depend on this.
Is this something you feel strongly about? Make sure your voice is heard on this motion!
Currently the Student Union Byelaws and Articles make no mention of procedure to follow if a motion of no confidence against an officer arises in regard to their replacement. It is commonly accepted by Bristol SU that no by-election will be held if there is not enough time to elect a replacement Officer, however there is no mention of what this timeframe is. This motion seeks to standardise the procedure and have this included in the Union's governing documents.
Like the sound of this? Make sure you join us on Tuesday 20 November from 6pm!
The meeting will also include updates from each of the full time officers, and a discussion on the future of AMM. You can see the full agenda online now.