The University are giving students access to their exam scripts after results have been released.
This will help students see what they did well, and where they can improve, after their exam.
The new service follows a two-year pilot, and many meetings, and is a hard-won victory for our reps this year and in previous years. My predecessor Zoe Backhouse had a big part to play in this and I’m really happy that we’ve got this over the line.
By summer 2018, all schools and departments should implement the service, after being limited to certain schools for the most recent January assessments.
It’s a big win for students to be able to improve their exam performance - and the university have tried to match the rollout to match the demand from different schools. If you want to know what your school is doing, get in touch with them.
Though it is a gradual improvement, it always takes a lot of work, persistence and time to make these changes happen at Bristol. That's why it's so important that you keep voicing your issues, talking to your reps, and consider running to be a rep yourself.
Perhaps you want to help shape the conversation around issues that really matter to you, like your quality of education, wellbeing or housing. If you do, you can nominate yourself or a friend for a rep role at until 1 March.
There are hundreds of voluntary part-time roles, plus paid full-time roles (like mine) available - so check them out!
As for what’s next, over the next couple of months we'll be consulting students and holding focus groups on things like assessment, developing a bristol alternative teaching excellence framework (TEF) that really focuses on teaching excellence, and diversifying the curriculum. So if you have an issue, speak up