The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Officer Blog: Advice for new students

Monday 17-09-2018 - 09:00


Stanford, the Bristol SU Union Affairs RepIt's a big life step coming to Univeristy and it's completely normal to feel nervous or apprehensive. Union Affairs officer Stanford shares some helpful tips to help you settle in a little quicker! Try new things or join a new society. But also listen to your body when you need a rest and think about breaking out of the university bubble. Stanford has some great tips to get the most of out university life and all the different opportunities you'll come across here. Stanford is the officer for Union Affairs. He is one of six full-time elected officers who represent students and work to improve the student experience at Bristol.


Try and go somewhere you've never been, and do something you've never done, at least once a term whilst at Bristol.


Get Involved!

I really struggled when I arrived in my first term but I soon realised the more open-minded I was to trying new things, the easier it would be to feel at home. By the second term I was involved in lots of societies and student groups which really brought me out of my shell and made me so much happier at University! Every student group, movement or club is a potential network of friends so go out there and get to know ‘em. You won’t regret it.

Listen to yourself

You may feel like you have to go to every event in Welcome Week and end up feeling exhausted and washed out. I really threw myself into University life when I started at Bristol (mainly because I thought it was expected of me!) but after the first 2 weeks I took a step back and started to crash. Remember you’re allowed to have a night off and just want to chill with a film and some nice food. It may even be the perfect opportunity to get to know your flatmates. You’ll know more than anyone whether you’re in the mood for a party or a nap!

Click here if you want to find out more about health and wellbeing support the University of Bristol can offer you.

Get out of the University bubble

It’s easy to get stuck in the University bubble, especially in the first few weeks. If you want a bit of a break from the student world I’d suggest exploring Gloucester Road and Stokes Croft. Both are vibrant communities with insanely cheap fruit and veg shops. I used to buy 30 eggs for £1 and made cheap and healthy vegetarian omelettes! 

Most importantly of all, I’d say try and go somewhere you’ve never been, and do something you’ve never done, at least once a term whilst at Bristol. University life is full of opportunities - it’s just about finding them. 



More Information:

Click here for more infromation about Bristol SU Health and Wellbeing 

For more information on the Official Welcome Week programme visit our Facebook Page

Find out more about Societies and Clubs



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