With so much to do and see in Welcome Week it is no easy task deciding which events you're going to actually go to. Well, have no fear, because this is where your officer team come in. Elected Officers are full time paid SU Staff who represent students and their interests by leading the Students Union and improve the student experience. Your Elected Officers have hand selected their top picks for Welcome Week featuring the events that they won't be missing.
Welcome Fair Durdham Down, 28/09
My top pick is the biggest event on the Welcome Week calendar- the Welcome Fair! It’s the one stop shop where all Bristol SU clubs, societies and initiatives gather. It’s a great place to sign up and get involved with clubs and societies, visit our wellbeing tent, take advantage of exclusive offers from local business and get bombarded with freebies. This year, we’ll also have an events stage showcasing some fantastic acts from our performing and sports societies. It’s definitely not to be missed!
Wellbeing Wednesday with the Wellbeing Network Balloon Bar, 26/09
On Wednesday of Welcome Week the Wellbeing Network will be hosting Wellbeing Wednesday... which is a lot of ‘W’s. The Wellbeing Network is a community that aims to create a sense of support across campus, ensuring it is a safe space for all students to live work and enjoy. They will be taking over the Balloon Bar and outside space with Wellbeing bunting, wellbeing related societies and a plant potting workshop - the perfect opportunity to relax and take some time out of the busy Welcome Week Schedule.
International Food Festival Anson Rooms, 25/09
This Welcome Week I’m making sure I don’t miss the International Food Festival. It’s now in its third successful year and sees our food and international societies and local food vendors collaborate to take over the Anson Rooms. There is always lots of opportunities to try different food from countries and cultures across the globe, and it is a great introduction to the food scene in Bristol - make sure you come hungry.
PLAY: Official Bristol SU Sports Night Gravity, 26/09
My top event for Welcome Week has to be the launch of Bristol SU’s Official Sports Night PLAY. During term PLAY happens every Wednesday night and is a great night where everyone who’s interested in sport gets together. The launch is the best way to meet other people who are interested in sport, whether that’s on a competitive level, as a way to keep fit or just to try something new when you come to uni. It's my favourite night and is the best way to end a Wednesday afternoon of activity. See you all there!
Film Club: Moonlight Winston Theatre, 22/09
This Welcome Week I’ll definitely be going to the launch of film club, which kicks off right at the start, on the first Saturday, when there’ll be a screening of Moonlight. When Moonlight was released it was groundbreaking as the first LGBT film and the first film with an all black cast to win the Oscar for best picture. It’s a totally absorbing and at times heartbreaking to watch as it follows main character Chiron on a journey through adolescence and early adulthood, exploring black masculinity.
Rock n’ Bowl The Lanes, 25/09
My top pick for Welcome Week is Rock n’ Bowl at the Lanes. Taking place at Bristol’s best retro bowling alley for a night of alternative music, arcade games and bowling. It won’t be your classic packed out club night and there will be loads more on offer than just loud music and cheap drinks (though if that is your thing make sure you try one of Hardshakes - alcoholic milkshakes)! Chart songs will be swapped out so you can expect tunes from Foo Fighters and Mallory Knox for the ultimate alternative night time experience. See you there!
View the full programme for Welcome Week at www.bristolsu.org.uk/welcome