The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Our Big Plan

Thursday 17-10-2019 - 09:00

The Bristol SU Officer team are elected to represent your needs. You might not have met us yet, but we're here for you and want to take you through what we'll be focusing on in 2019/20. 

Uni can be tough at times, and it’s not always easy to look after your mental health. So we’ll keep reminding the university of its promises around the wellbeing of its students.  

We’ll keep challenging the uni to bring down rents, while improving the value for money of its residences. And our free Lettings service will be there to help you into your rented house.  

The University’s new Student Information Service is arriving this year, and we want to make sure it works for you. And we’ll ask the university to hire more specialist staff in the Wellbeing and Counselling services to give tailored support to BME, LGBT plus, and disabled students - and anyone needing particular help.

Your academic experience is so central to your time at Bristol – so we’ll work to give you more wins like our lecture replay, and exam script access, from previous years. 

We’ll seek a more accessible approach to exam schedules, assessment methods, study support and extenuating circumstances. We’ll add opportunities to improve your career prospects. And we’ll look for more from your personal tutors and supervisors, setting clearer standards and training on mental health. 

We’ll unlock more university spaces to be used for studying, activities, or as SU Living Rooms. And we’ll push for more SU facilities and free transport links so we can be closer to you - and make campus a proper, connected, place for students.  

Looking after the SU’s 400-plus clubs and societies is one of our most important jobs.  

We want to be working closely with our student leaders throughout the year so that they’re getting more help to grow their memberships and make their groups awesome. We’ll support more sports club and society events, and push for more free space for activities and meetings, than ever before.  

We’ll also be working with the university to introduce a mobile app! 

Finally, we’ll keep standing up for the diverse community of students here at Bristol. 

We’ll offer student group leaders more training on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and we want to host cross-cultural events to encourage integration. We’ll make sure the University keeps its promise to close the BME attainment gap. 

And as for the SU, we’ll review our own democracy and how we can make our processes more accessible. We’ll support our 16 union and liberation networks, like our new Multifaith and Care Leavers network, to deliver great campaigns and events like Islamophobia Awareness month, Disabled History Month, Mind Your Head, and more. 

But this is just the start, and there are some things we’ve already secured like extra space for the SU on campus. 

Check out everything we're working on and stay up to date at



Academic news, Equality and diversity, Housing and accommodation, Officer blogs, Union democracy

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our big plan, priorities, Officers, officer priorities,

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