The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Period Dignity

Wednesday 20-03-2019 - 14:01

Sally Patterson, Equality, Liberation and Access Officer

Everyone deserves to have a dignified period. The sad reality is that period poverty exists across the UK, including at the University of Bristol. Sanitary products are expensive, and for those struggling to make ends meet, they are simply unaffordable. Instead, people are forced to make do with toilet paper or socks during their period, which can be uncomfortable, embarrassing and impractical. 
Last year Bristol SU ran a #FreePeriods campaign and petition to lobby the university to provide free sanitary products in study spaces. This year Bristol SU has joined up with unions across the University to end Period Poverty. Together with Unite, UCU and Unison, we will be supplying pads and tampons around campus for students and staff who need them. If this trial proves to be successful, we will lobby the University to continue to provide products to its students and staff.
As of today, these will be available in the Balloon Bar toilets in the Richmond Building, and Senate House (third floor toilets). The products are available in all toilets, so everyone that menstruates is able to access them. Please take what you need. Let’s stamp out period poverty at our University together.



Equality and diversity, Officer blogs

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periods, period dignity, Free periods, sanitary products, campaign, equality, liberation, access, feminism, intersectional feminism,

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