The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Preview: Avatar

Friday 09-11-2018 - 10:43

Founded by the turn of the millennium, and meaning ‘a God in Disguise’, Swedish metal band Avatar will be playing the Anson Rooms of Saturday 19th January alongside special guests.


 Metal fans will undoubtedly enjoy picking out the assorted nods to acts like Manowar, Pantera, Motorhead and many more

Prepare yourself for a night of theatrical flair with vocalist Johannes Eckerstrom presenting himself as the ringleader of a circus troupe come marching band; circling around a demented harlequin face-painted leader who doesn’t break character for even a second. Their new album, Avatar Country takes the band to new majestic heights; each track featuring the word ‘King’ to continue the theme. Metal fans will undoubtedly enjoy picking out the assorted nods to acts like Manowar, Pantera, Motorhead and many more. Having said that, surprises will no doubt be in store with the band’s most recent video, ‘The King Welcomes You to Avatar Country’ evolving the group’s sound to feature a bluesier vibe with a stomp-clap beat to create a catchier note, beginning and ending with a dirty, bluesy riff and featuring an AC/DC feel and a jazz section.


Avatar will be more than just a concert; the group creates a carnival-like atmosphere.  “We wanted it to feel like Avatar Country as soon as you enter the venue,” explains Eckerstrom. “The whole package is aimed toward that. This concert will be a show of strength, victory, hope and a royal welcome awaits guests who help make this concert a love letter to everything metal. 

More Information:

Go to the Avatar event listing 

Buy tickets to see Avatar on the 19 January at the Anson Rooms

Find out more about all the live performances at Bristol SU Live




Related Tags :

Anson Rooms, avatar, band, bristol su live, Gig, live music, metal band, su live, swedish music,

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