The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Results! Elections 2018

Friday 16-03-2018 - 14:18

After three days, over 30,000 votes and over 7000 voters another voting period comes to a close and with it a hard week of campaigning for all of our candidates. An enormous congratulations to all of them and thanks to everyone who nominated and voted!

And now… The moment you’ve all been waiting for! Your elected officers for 2018-19 are:

Union Affairs Officer


  • Deliver funding for a new full-time International Students’ Officer in next year’s student elections
  • Secure additional sports facilities within the University campus construction at Temple Meads
  • Establish a Society Awards to celebrate and recognise our incredible student groups. Committee of the Year anyone?

See the breakdown of votes here

Postgraduate Education Officer

Shubham Singh

  • Improve the educational experience by addressing concerns around structure of academic year, personal tutoring, etc.
  • Provide better carer support for international students and postgraduates who teach.
  • Making University more affordable

See the breakdown of votes here

Undergraduate Education Officer

Nasra Ayub

  • Improve the mental health services and ensure that there is better access to all students regardless of their mental health state
  • Eradicate hidden costs that exist outside tuition fees, eg travel expenses to placements
  • Introduce a programme that creates access to jobs tailored to degrees in all faculties

See the breakdown of votes here

Student Living Officer

Vanessa Wilson

  • Accommodation: Increase affordable housing, expand the accessibility of legal advice on renting, and provide financial support for students in need
  • Mental Health: Tailor support to the needs of students, improve the flexibility and diversity of wellbeing services, and ensure everyone is represented and catered for
  • Community Care: Improve the quality and consistency of tutorials, increase SU engagement on-campus, and establish transparent communication across all levels of the organisation

See the breakdown of votes here

Sport and Student Development Officer

Ginny Troughton

  • Create a free and accessible program of physical activity centered around exam periods, promoting positive mental health.
  • Lobby the University to provide a consistent bus route from the University to Coombe Dingle including a free bus for sporting fixtures on a Wednesday.
  • Expand the #WeAreBristol community to include more students, from B:Active and Fit&Fab to casual gym goers

See the breakdown of votes here

Equality, Liberation and Access Officer

Sally Patterson

  • Wellbeing Support that Works: I will have an ‘open-door’ policy for all students, establish specialised minority support and academic support
  • No Size Fits All: I’ll commission Roundtables for liberation groups and ACT on their recommendations, support our liberation Chairs and finish establishing a Multifaith Network
  • Making Campus Safe: I will demand that the University launch their Reporting Tool, lobby for anti-racism training and introduce Bystander Intervention workshops

See the breakdown of votes here

Chairs of Networks

Faculty Reps


Course Reps

  • Coming soon - See the results here


Academic news, Union democracy

Related Tags :

SU elections, 2018, elected officers, network chairs, nominations, winners, congrtulations,

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