Student Council is just around the corner. A time to see democracy in its finest form and where healthy debate flows freely. But what motions are to be debated I hear you ask...
Well, you’re in luck! This blog gives you a run-down of the six motions to be debated at Thursday's Student Council meeting. Have a read and be inspired. Feel passionately about any of these? Make sure you course rep, society president or club captain is present and having their say.
So here goes. **Drum-roll please**. Here are this Thursday’s six Student Council motions….
Freedom of speech is a controversial topic. You might be aware of the debate around ‘no platforming’ speakers. But with a variety of speakers hosted every week, the SU currently has no guidance on what to do if people make a complaint against a speaker.
So, this Thursday we will be debating what the plan (if any) should be if this problem arises. This procedure aims to create a fair way of calling for the disinvitation of a speaker, relying on a certain number of complaints and a vote from students in senior representative positions. Is it the right way forward?
a. NSS Boycott New Motion - To continue boycotting the NSS
b. New Year, New Tactics - To stop boycotting the NSS
It’s all debate over here… do we stay, or do we go now.
In simple terms, do we continue to boycott the NSS or not?
What’s the NSS, I hear you ask?
The NSS (National Student Survey) is something all final years are asked to complete to rate their Universities and Unions. Last year, the boycott was put into place because the NSS was linked with the TEF (High Education Funding Council for England). With the discussion of increasing fees there was concern that a high rated University could then increase their fees.
So, join us Thursday to listen to the arguments for boycotting or not and then you decide!
Fossil Free are on to their next mission - to boycott Barclays. They support the notion that Barclays should divest from all fossil fuel projects. With Sheffield SU and Trinity St David SU having both already voted to support the campaign. Fossil Free are asking the SU to follow suit.
Is this a clever plan? Do you agree?
Hustings for SU Elections stopped after feedback around the issue of accessibility but now there is a call to bring them back. As there is still great debate, it’s coming to student council! Do you want to see a hustings event for your SU officers? Could this affect the elections? Have your say this Thursday.
It’s the final step in the great democracy review. Since October 2016 Networks have existed to support student representation and democracy at Bristol SU. Networks provide a platform for officers, student groups and individual students to work together to build student communities and create change through collective action.
Now up and running, is it time to ensure these Networks have standing mandates? This motion proposes the adoption of a set of "Standing Mandates" for each of Bristol SU's 13 Networks, which will give Networks the power to represent the student interest and campaign for change without the need to constantly seek approval from Student Council.
Are these mandates right or should they be working on other things? Make sure you check them out.
Students are fed up with religious holidays not being considered and often clashing with big events. From welcome fair to exams, do Bristol SU or the University ensure they consider religious holidays when planning? Why should these students miss out?!
Make sure your voice is heard on this motion!