The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Table Tennis: One of Bristol SU's silver clubs

Tuesday 19-09-2017 - 00:00

Bristol SU has a number of clubs and societies who have been accredited with silver status through the Balloon Accreditation Scheme. We caught up with the table tennis club to find out a bit more about what they do.

What do you do?

University of Bristol Table Tennis Club (UoBTT) is a diverse and friendly group of people who enjoy playing table tennis competitively and socially.

We offer coaching at every level and encourage students to come and play in a relaxed environment. We run a range of sessions including: team sessions, coaching session run by team members for developing players, box league matches and drills to improve every aspect of your game.

We provide the tables, bats and balls so all you need to do is come along to any session for a casual knock around or some serious games.

Learn, Compete, Teach, Enjoy!

Where you do it?

Our main venue for training and matches is the Carpenter Room in the SU however we are expanding out this year to also have a session or two at the Indoor Sports Centre on Tyndalls Avenue. For all our session times and the best way to contact the club if you have any questions, join our Facebook group for the upcoming year.

What have you achieved and what are some of the ways you've met the standards of the silver award?

Last year was our most successful to date; we re-entered a men's team into BUCS for the first time in 4 years which finished the year undefeated, winning both the league and the cup and now will get ready to take on the best in the Western region. We also gained Kickstart Performance status from the university which opens up new opportunities to expand both participation and performance aspects of the club. 

We saw more members playing more than ever before, over 80 members in fact meaning there is always someone new to play with, get to know and to come along to sportsnight socials with.

As a club we are always looking to improve, we run events like the UV Ping Pong party with the SU and the racketlon competition with tennis, badminton and squash and have been recognised as an SU Silver accredited society.

Anything different you're planning for next year?

Now is the best time to join the table tennis club as we have made huge strides over the past couple of years from humble beginnings.

We will have 5 teams playing competitively representing '#WeAreBristol' and two new teams in BUCS: Women's 1st and Men's 2nd joining our established Men's 1st. We;ll also have a postgraduate team and a development team competing in the local league. We are looking to get more people involved next year, run more exciting events around uni and have another great year!

For news and info about the club visit our Facebook page


Sports and societies

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Table tennis, silver balloon, sport, #WeAreBristol,

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