Bristol students do some incredible things and we think it’s time we brag about them.
The student representatives that you elect, run some of the biggest sporting, social and political events on our campus!
You’ve just elected your new full time officers along with chairs of networks, faculty reps, trustees and course reps. Here’s just a taste of what they’ll be able to achieve when they start their new roles...
1. We received nearly 500 nominations for the BME Powerlist which will be a list of influential BME people from our city. These people will be invited by the BME Network to gather and work together for the BME Bristol community.
2. Give it a Go had 117 events organised with 90% of participants saying they were very good or excellent. Great work to every society and network that took part *round of applause*
3. At our Annual Members Meeting, student voted for a motion which asked Bristol SU to publicly support and publicise any upcoming and future strikes over the next three years. It also asks for Bristol SU to speak out on behalf of Postgraduate Research Students to make sure their interests are defended.
Do you have an opinion on the strike?
We’re looking for student views on exactly how the withheld striking pay should be spent by the Uni .
Fill in the consultation at
4. We engaged 40% of our whole student population to vote in a democratic vote this year (already) #SUYesYou
5. Our University Challenge team have reached the quarter final by beating colleges from Oxford & Cambridge and Ulster University. Up next for a place in the semi finals are Edinburgh.
6. Students triggered a referendum to be run around the residence review. 2963 students voted with the yes team winning by 92%
7. Why is my Curriculum White hosted a panel which was SOLD OUT with 120 students and lecturers engaging in the conversation to change and make a more inclusive education at Bristol.
8. Varsity Friday Night Lights was bigger than ever! 600 people came along which was double last year's numbers.
9. You can now get fixed rate National Express travel from Bristol to London if you book in advance through The Basket. From £5 a ticket!