The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Top 5 Reasons to Vote

Monday 12-03-2018 - 00:00

You’ve probably heard something about the elections which are taking place 13-15 March. Nominations for all the positions are now closed, and it’s time to get voting. Why should you vote? Here are 5 reasons…

It only takes 5 minutes

It’s true, it really doesn’t take long to vote. You could vote between lectures, as procrastination whilst you’re studying, or from the comfort of your own home. There’s no particular place to be as it’s done online so there’s really no excuse.

Get the candidate you want

The people you are voting for will be representing you and your views to the university for the next year. That’s pretty important, so you might as well vote for a candidate whose policies you agree with.

Everyone has someone to vote for

Whether you’re interested in the sabbatical officer who lead the union, or who represents your course, we’ll be electing hundreds of students. At least one of the positions will directly affect you so even if you only vote for that one role, it’s worth doing.

We’ll stop pestering you

Once you’ve voted for all positions you can we’ll stop emailing you about it. Simple.

Your vote will make a difference

These reps are usually only in post for just one year. That means that they can only focus on a few key things. You want to make sure that the reps who are voted in are the ones who are going to focus on the issues that are most important to you. It could make a big difference to your time at university.

Voting is open 13-15 March. Vote online at




Union democracy

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#SUYesYou, democracy, elections, vote, voting, nominations,

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