The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Top Tips for Working from Home

Monday 20-04-2020 - 15:00
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It’s the start of a new term, and a very different one as we’ll all be connecting virtually. Teaching, assessments, and even student group activity will all be taking place online and we know it’s going to take a little bit of time to adjust to.

Bristol SU staff have been working remotely for over a month now and have pulled together some of their top tips:

Have a glass of water on your desk. You are 1 million times more likely to drink enough water if it's right there - Nicky, Just Ask Advisor

Always have a shower and get dressed ready for the day – Liam, Residential Experience Coordinator

Give yourself a routine with a break for lunch and being clear when you’ve finished working for the day. Try and keep to a regular sleeping pattern and mealtimes – Nicola, Marketing Campaigns Coordinator

Have a dedicated ‘work zone’. Can be anywhere – a desk, dining table, kitchen worktop – but ensure it is used for work, and work only – Thom, Student Development Coordinator

Finding something wholesome to do in your breaks like gardening/cooking/reading. One of the advantages of not being able to go outside is that you don't have the same fear of missing out, so personally I've been checking my phone much less because I know nothing's urgent – Matthew, Volunteering Assistant

Give yourself one goal a day to achieve to be realistic and gain a sense of fulfilment – Chloe, Events Coordinator (Commercial)

Video call people to share revision and test each other or create short quizzes/question and answers and study together online sometimes. Also make sure you use online tools to chat to friends as well. – Suzanne, Executive and Governance Manager

Students are now eligible to use Airtable Pro for free! You can find out more including some nice examples here: - Ben, Systems Improvement Coordinator

Make use of your one outdoor exercise slot – go for a walk, run or cycle – so long as you follow social distancing guidelines – Ed, Head of Marketing and Communications

We hope that this term goes well and remember you can continue to give us feedback on online teaching and assessments at 



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Covid-19, Coronavirus, working from home, remote working, online,

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