As a student at the University of Bristol there are so many student discounts and perks that you can take advantage of, all over the city. Luckily for you, there’s a way you can get all the best discounts in Bristol and further afield, in one handy place. Introducing the TOTUM card! Read on the hear about the best discounts whether you’re booking your next trip (home or abroad), fancy a cheap meal out to brighten up your week, or want to cash in on some high street discounts to jazz up your wardrobe, the brand new TOTUM card is your essential student accessory.
The TOTUM card, the brand new version of the NUS Extra Card, features over 200 UK discounts and comes with a 1-year free ISIC which gives you over 42,000 international discounts. To buy your very own TOTUM card, click here, and read on for some of the highlights of the discounts on offer.
Buy your TOTUM card here.
Check out the full Official Welcome Week line up of events.