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Warning: International Students Scam

Tuesday 07-08-2018 - 16:07


The University of Bristol Students’ Union and other student bodies are issuing urgent advice to all non-EU international students on how to avoid falling victim to a recent phone scam that has led to some students losing thousands of pounds to fraudsters. Student organisations such as National Indian Students and Alumni Union (NISAU) and Chinese Students and Scholars Association have reported that students are receiving calls from individuals posing as Home Office officials or the UK Police demanding sums of money to avoid disputes with UK authorities. 


The Home Office will never ring you and ask you to disclose your personal information or demand you to pay a charge. If you are an international student subject to this situation, please do not share any personal information including your passport, visa, bank details and home address.
Please do not make any payment and do not engage in any kind of further conversation with the fraudster. Report this issue to the UK Action Fraud / your Students' Union Advice service / your University International student advice service. We strongly advice you to report this issue as intimidation and fraud is a crime.


The fraudsters are using a software which enables them to display any telephone number they wish on your phone and therefore, it might look like a genuine call from the home office (0207354848) or the UK Police (02072301212).
The fraudster might threaten you by saying that if you hang up the call at any point, it will be deemed that you are non-cooperative and that you are suspected of being involved in a criminal activity.
The fraudsters sound professional, persistent and authoritative. They might intimidate you by using phrases like ‘deportation notice’, ‘late fee charges’, ‘10-years ban to enter the UK’ if you refuse immediate payment .

What to do if you've been scammed:

•    If you've already responded to a scam, end all further communication immediately.

•    Call your bank and cancel any recurring payments.

•    Report the scam to the police through Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040, or report a scam anonymously on its website.

•    Speak to the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 040506 or the Financial Conduct Authority's helpline on 0800 111 6768.

•    If a scam has effected your ability to pay tuition fees, please contact the student fees and funding office to discuss whether alternative arrangements can be made.

•    If a scam has effected your studies  you may be able to submit an extenuating circumstances form to have the disruption taken into account by your school, more information here.

Stay safe international students! 



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Related Tags :

international, students, scam, home office, warning, Fraud,

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